ahkak rasa malu pulak nak update blog kali ni. p/s : post sebelum ni dikarang two months ago tapi hari ni baru karang cipan betul hahaha. sorry earthlings , loads of works menyebabkan i tak menang tangan buat kerja menang kaki ke ooops :P
okay assalamualaikum again it has been months or what since the second last post. being a pre medic student is not easy.
(( and that one upthere was last week's punya penulisan. penulisan ke wahahah )) its like when i first touched down in kota bharu ececece bajet naik flight, maksud i arrived in kotbharu from alor star, i did say to myself that i'll be updating my blog..like uhh...like everyday but it ends not as planned *argh benci diri ini. you see i keep on proscatinate so yeah tak berupdate lah blog ni.
and i freakingly dont know what to write now, where is my mood. i have slept for like 3 hours. i mean it was almost 3hours betapa teruknya. dah lah maghribnya. astaghfirullah ya allah, forgive me for my vast amount of sins. sesungguhnya aku hamba mu yang lemah maka ya allah ampunkan dosaku. Engkau lah yang Maha Pemaaf :)
OKAY. sem 1 was over and i've been thinking how my result would be. i dont ask for a 4rata cause i know it is not my type. i wish to have one. no not one,.lots! In shaa Allah, i will have that one too i will. okay meh akak nak cerita pasal sem 1 foundation in science kolej mara kuala nerang. faham tak susah gila rasa macam nak amik phd. i was like duhhhhh the hell is this. couldnt imagine macam mana orang lain jawab dengan tenangnya sumpah la diorang telan buku ke apa. whatever it is, i felt very grateful that i ended my final for sem 1 dengan tenang sekali hahahaha tenang ke? i guess. hoping so. ya allah, easy my marks to give me an A !!
toodles for now. will keep on updating. jangan la marah kalau tak berupdate pun. cause this is my private diary mannnn. tapi semua orang boleh baca hahahahahhaha okay stop. asslamualaikum :)
my god weeks rasanya tak update ( eh bajet je weeks ,, its months okay merah ahhhahaha sedar sikit aip aip) . so where should i start. being an official KMKN student ahah rasa macam takde life. eh no no no. not for me , lantak lah orang kata aku macam tak layak nak amik medic. im not a doctor with those nerd face or thick glasses (hakikatnya pakai jugak hahahahhah) . i dream to be a doctor who enjoys life like heavenly hehe yang tak serabut dengan buku je i wanna be a person yang suka buat orang happy yang suka gelak kuat gila gila with my girlfriendsss yang gedikkk yeah ((doesn't mean you have to be gedik to enjoy life la weh , come on ))
schedule in KMKN sumpah macam seseri. suddenly my face full with tears reminiscing the moments in seseri. how is my 216 siblings doing right now. but not to worry i have 5 of them in here hahhahaha and because of that we realised that no matter where seserians go, they never forget their sisters. ahh sayang estrella too much. dah keluar sekolah pun semangat berkobar2 okay u know the day bila kita decide nak pakai baju estrella semua orang awesome en ? and everybody's like staringgggg at us, eh eh kau apahal. nak la tu cehhh AHHAHAHA.
emm if i would to open the story on my study life there, and i have to get at least 2 rolls of toilet tissues :( uhuks. ye lah sedar diri amik course yang sangat la berat mata memandang , berat lagi bahu memikul kan i have to keep my head up and ahead. no matter things happen , keep smiling. smiling pun kadang2 dah bila otak tepu tahap concentration yang paling high dah nak buat macam mana lagi kannnn. i was yet so lucky to have my estrella sisters as my roomate plus sorang budak science johore. okay what :) at least tak awkward. but well i do believe in creating new pals and mates. staying in the room F317 bapak panas sebab takde tingkah *sigh. tapi tak pe bersyukur dekat degan cermin hahahahahhaha. my girls AQILS TIKAH AND YUN, they light up my every day in kmkn and sure i'll never lose them except for death. M1 - classmates i pulak gila gila uolls. ahh awesome gilaaaa rasa nak peluk semua orang okay. we only just met and we gonna be sure that we will be bestfriend insya allah :) 17 people in a class rasanya tu class paling kecik i pernah ada. heaven kan? one more thing you should know WE WILL FACE THIS SAME FACES FOR THE UPCOMING FIVE YEARSSSSSSSSSSSSS. BAYANGKANNNN ??? allah je tahu betapa boleh rapat nya kan. ya Allah, make this friendship stay until jannah. put our hearts together as brothers and sisters. mana tahu ada yang kawin ke kan ooops hahahahaha aku tak, cop tak :)
meh nak cerita rutin harian .
ahad sampai khamis. - bangun - solat - iron tudung (wajib eh haha ) - mandi - makan - pergi class. lagi heaven kalau hari tu lecture tak banyak which is on tuesday sumpahhh rasa macam nak tido je memanjang hehe- 2.30 : class finished -.lunch - lepak library ((most of the time to avoid sleepiness during noon)) - dinner - solat maghrib isya + tazkirah + kulimin - prep - supper ( is always a cup of hot chocolate ahh yumyum )- balik bilik - halau charlie and the chocolate factory and binatang terbang hijau ( mesti korang pelik kan nanti i post gambar bagi uolls tengok kay hehe)
and ahah ni part paling malas nak ulas. midsem exam in less then a month. okay go die. jom bunuh diri sama sama. astaghfirullahalazim mahirah. hdkcsfgsicuhdsdfuisnfiabfvpavd like omg dekat gila dah. you know what there are times when i feel like there's nobody in this world that could help my entire woes dekat kmkn. there are times i feel so lonely. there are times i feel to burst in tears for the rest of that entire day sumpahh. kadang kadang rasa baik takpayah hidup lah macam ni. and i just dont like to write bout this. cause later i'll regret what kind of path im taking ahead. crazy duhh mahirah? are you? tak kan. so live your life. where's your intention you've been saying to yourself like everyday. ya allah , please give me the strength to go on with ma life insya allah i will. no matter what happens, even when you dont have any shoulder to cry on, remember that Allah always listen to you. He's the best companion in every muslim's life, right? ' Mengadulah kepada Allah, nescaya dia mendengar nya' seee, even pepatah pun ada cakap macam tu
sit back. relax mahirah. you can do it. jangan ikut orang. ikut cara kita berjaya jugak insya allah :)