
snow 2

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

If Allah is the reason for you to start , why not ?

yeay kinda back after weeks of not updating any news. to be honest i was quiet since i was so busy preparing myself for the intake to PALAM. yeah i got PALAM to pursue asasi sains and i yest accept the offer to PALAM but still in mind im hoping for mara - rather in the sense of IB or the normal foundation in science so that i can be called "DR" one day chewah berangan bhai haha. theres nothing much happened as a SPM leaver *oii dah lama kot tinggal spm. otak pun boleh tahan karat. chemistry macam lupa je semua haha. staying at home reading story books and newspapers *ni sumpah sometimes je baca haha* was my daily routine. eh jangan lupa eh jadi driver and bibik jugak. haha

eh nak cakap pasal apa eh? em okay let me start the path of knowing that i received MARA's offer. oh i was deadly the most elated person in the world. born to be not a really-genius person i really thanked Allah for this golden opportunity He had given to me. sumpah rasa nak nangis air mata darah. it was like i slept early on that 24th may. and out of the blue idk what woke me up at around 4.45am then was so shocked. *There was a jaw-drop expression on my face seriously. and i saw 700++ messages from 18 conversations from my Whatsapp !! !! omg omg omg

a friend of mine named halimatus - i'd known her since KEX. she is actually my neighbour also. i shared almost everything with her , well her cheerful-type-of-person makes me feel to laugh every second every minute every hour with her. and one of the messages from her was...



ahh i burst in tears. i was blurred. i was astounted. i was on top of the cloud. i was at the peak of a mountain. i was ' IS THIS A DREAM. DONT TELL ME YESS. OR AM I BERANGAN ANGAN? ' ya allah only allah knows my heart was beating like i'll die in 30 seconds. there's no word i could say that time. and my head yet mouth kept on saying 'Alhamdulilah Alhamdulilah' for thousand times. to those people outside who is much better than me, this maybe a emmph to them but not to me. i really felt very grateful for what i received. 

Insya allah i'll be doing foundation in Science for a year in Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang and will pursue my study in Medicine at Royal College of Medicine  Perak. this is what i hoped for so please pray for my success insya allah. 

okay so KMKN ni cane eh? haha. alamak hai kedah oii jauh nya from kelantan memang tak dapat balik lah aku en masa pulang bermalam haha. homesick la nanti aaa cemana ni takpelah kena kuat. nama lagi nak belajar. if you dont take the challenge in life then how can you improve . insya allah this will be my path to be doctor as what i aimed for. so that's why - if Allah is the reason for you to start , reach the sky and grab the stars :)

Thursday, May 8, 2014


HOLA LOLA. haha okayh kembali bersua kita bersama. haaa jom la pulak nak cerit pasal interview mara ni hah. mana nak start hah emm haha. okay fine kita orang pergi hari jumaat which yang pergi ni my dad and i je taw. pastu macam muqri ni manja lah kan, of course la atok aku yang duduk keyel tu nak jumpa cucu kesayangan dia, bodek punya bodek mak aku, akhirnya adikku yang seorang ini ikut jugak. haha awesome lah jugak bila ada 3 orang dalam kereta takde la bohsan sangat kan. we departed from our house around 11am and arrived safely around 8pm. jam oii keyel hari jumaat. aku dah tak boleh nak duduk senyap dalam kereta haha.gerak sana gerak sini nasib lah. malam tu jugak buat research bagai 'kononnya lah' .punya la takut sampai pasal mara pun baca goshh haha.keesokannya pagi2 pun buat research jugak masya allah haha. baca kenapa nak jadi doct la. why gynecology la? why wanna go overseas la? haha nanti karang kena soal tak ke mampus tak boleh jawab. haha. tepat pkul 12 lebih2, maka bertolak lah kami dari shah alam ke banting. hadui kau hati aku macam berdebar oi jantung atas lantai rasa nak baling jauh jauh je haha.alkisahnya sampai la kolej mara banting. mak kau macam sekolah bhai terkejut aku ya allah. takkan la nak masuk sekolah balik masya allah tak sanggup. tapi sumpah yang mana nak enjoy university life, kmb ni memang kena out of the list jauh2. sabar je la,. sekolah aku yang seseri lagi lawa haha.

arrived at 1.10pm cenggitu and my heart was like pumping like i wanna die on the spot haha. my stomach was singing huih macam apa dah. then my dad kata, takpe la kita pergi makan. i was hah makan?
oh makanan apa pun aku tak nak sentuh dah masa ni haa gila gila. then it when awesomely. i was in J group. number 5 :) haha.  pastu mula2 masuk bilik interview tu. i was grouped in group of 10 and there was like chairs arranged in a semi-circle shape. so our first challenge was a group discussion,
                  " you're in an air balloon. the air balloon will fall down. discuss who should you remove." ahh tak ingat lah macam mana soalan dia. kan ada 10 orang so different person different characters. ada prime minister, emma maembong ke. mine was tony fernandez. :) tokei air asia ooh haha. then defend urself lah supaya you stay atas air balloon tu. next soalan is pun group discussion jugak. fikir je. basically they wanna see how you think. how you solve problem. can you speak in front of people? haaa camtu je insya allah boleh junior-juniorku huhu. last but not least, it was an individual interview. kawan-kawanku punya soalan ya allah susah weh, poligami la. hudud la. astaghfirullah ya allah aku bersyukur sangat masa kena soalan ni. alhmdulilah sangat tak kena soalan macam tu. mine was about
                   " DEFINE HAPPINESS TO YOU" ya allah allahu nak melompat masa tu. alhamdulilah kat KEX dah belajar macam mana nak jawab soalan interview. what's the point withdrawing your parents moneyy like almost 1000 ringgit kot end up you don't even use the techniques you've learnt , right? insya allah thanks to KM and capt and KEXITO haha. seriously in any interviews, the things we learnt in Kex really help me through out all those interviews i attended before. sumpah swear. and yet whatever it is, thanks to my daddy, mummy, sarah, abang, and muqri haha *muqri bagi support ke? bagi okay haha . thats all bye peeps.