
snow 2

Thursday, December 30, 2010

heee..kelas2 merunsingkan saya.

asslamualaikum blog readers..

thnx god. xsia2 pergi skul tdi. at least macam da taw kelas mana untuk next year. hehe!
but guys i'm sorry. takleh nak cakap~ u guys better tngk sendiri. biar suspend sikit okay. but one thing for sure, everything will gonna be different. very different guys. tengok dengan mata kepala u sendiri okay.

tpi xpe..'pecoh' because of different class pun xpe. tak jadi hal langsung. still bole cakap kan. camna2 pun...semua tu bole diatasi.

cuma i ade prob satu je. how to face him??
aiseh...dunnow how.
there's a couple words i wanna say.( lallalalala)
anda, tak perlu lah masuk dlm diri ak lagi.
perkara lepas tu buat2 lupa je lah. anggap la kita tak pernah berjumpa..although we need to next year.
keluar lah..cukup la selama ni buat my heart berkecaiii macam apa~
(idk brape kali perlu i cakap)
tpi ni je yang ni je yg terlintas dalam fikiran skrg.

well, it takes time u know to forget our past time. bukan senang..cuma memerlukan masa yg secukupnya!

that's all..ikhlas dari saya ye awak.
pergi lah~~~


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

C I N T A..

macam tak perlu pun wat title gtu. hahaha. eh2,
asslamaualaikum my blog readers..

ya-ya. macam tajuk tu kan memang sesuai. i dok kat tengah2. tak tahu nak buat apa lah..
ya allah, idk what to do.
TO LET GO SOMEONE WE LOVE,IS NOT LOVE!! dari situ pun da tahu kan? it's hard! no one understands accept the heart!! tak perlu lah menipu, mulut boleh la nak tipu,hati?? tak boleh kan? macam i la. mulut mcam tak kata benda yang sebenar.
I ADMIT, I JELES SNGAT2 BILA TENGOK U WITH ANOTHER, but how, nak marah u? tak patut rasanya. much better lupa u.. kan senang!! tapi tu lah payah nye!! hahahahah,
but i can't.
everyday, i'm erasin ur name okay. but it still appears. apa pasal pun aku tak tahu. ada la kot sebabnya. but still for sure,senang je. bnda ni payah.
actually malas lah cakap pasal dia ni. tapi tkde tmpat dah nak cakap, blog je boleh diluahkan semua benda yang terpahat di dada *betul ke bahasa melayu neh?? standard la boleh 72 je last exam.

and this song suits me i think:
~thnx to SYARA.
When this door closes
When the image of you disappears
I'll probably spend the day in tears
Because of the memories with you, I'm left alone
I wish that you'll be happier

Sunday, December 19, 2010

masalah gapo mu ni bena?

assalamualaikum para pembaca.

macam title post ni la. dah keluar dah bahasa kasar. geram betul lah..
what the hell, da kalu benci kat aku, datang depan ar. main dendam dalam fb for what?? datang face-to-face la next year. pergh ar kau ni..nasib aku kenang budi kau je. aiseh..
tapi takper ar...aku pun malas layan ko. buang masa je. go on lah nak cakap apa..for god sake, next year xpayah ar. ak pun tak hingin langsung nak jumpa kau.. ya allah, salah aku ke salah dia dlaam hal ni, minx maaf je la kalu salah aku. i dun mind okay mu tu nok beci ko nok saye ko. but ur words semua i simpan..tak kira la kecik sebesar tahik mata pun. paham? soo, terpulang.

tak tahu la nak cakap apa..sokiee okay, no matter what, i'm sorry okay.mood ak pun tak tenteram sekarang. ye lah, for my self. i'm thinkin on the positive site,perhaps it is y fault.but yeah, different people have different opinions. so, hormat opinions orang lain jugak kan..up tu you.
(it's time to say goodbye)
i swear, i will not disturb you anymore. takkan? camna2 kan? tak perlu la jugak rasanya ko tahu pasal aku. tak payah la..buat sakit hati aku je. much better, and aku pun try la jugak TAK NAK LANGSUNGGGGG tahu pasal ko dah. insyaalah..

tu je aku boleh cakap,,for god sake. ko memang lah ak xtaw nak cakap cmna..takpe la, ak xde mood nak memblogging.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

jadilah seorang wanita di dalam bekas kaca, yang sukar untuk disentuh. hanya mampu dilihat.

Perasaan suka dan cinta adalah dua perkara yang berbeza. Tak salah bagi seseorang lelaki untuk menyukai

seseorang perempuan dan seseorang perempuan menyukai seorang lelaki. Tapi, perasaan ini tidak boleh dilayan

dan difikir-fikirkan kerana ianya merupakan hasutan syaitan yang membawa kepada zina hati. Sepatutnya apabila

kita terfikir mengenai perkara-perkara ini, kita hendaklah menepisnya dan berhenti terus daripada memikirkannya.

Firman Allah dalam Surah Al-A’raf ayat 201:

“Dan jika kamu ditimpa sesuatu godaan setan, maka berlindunglah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui.”

adapted from:

mulakan yang baru..lupakan lama!!

ada 3 minggu je lagi sblum 2011. dan saya adalah pmr victim.
~wah debar gle!! study hard lah kte nanti. hope sooo. it is not that easy bile cakap pasal pmr ni. harap2 la..dpt good result. pastu mohon pergi mana2. :P senang sikit.

okay. talk about teenage lovey-dovey think!! 2 words. IT SUCKS.
damn. tak perlu la korang2 menjejak kan kaki ke alam ni..and bagi yg dah, fikir lah apa yg sepatutnya korang buat.
sebab saya kalau lah tersilap langkah, memang lama da terjebak dalam ni. tak payah la..buat sakit hati je. bukan senang nak cari orang yang betul2 ikhlas mengenali kita. hanya sekadar kawan pun da cukup. tak perlu melebih-lebih. tak hairan la alam ni kadang2 boleh merosakkan seseorang, bnda ni ble kita dah taksub sangat, PADAH taw tak?

sesungguhnya kita tahu perkara yang dimurkai-NYA.

~dan saya belum pun dapat lupakan semua ni. it's just to hard for me..pyah untuk lupa seseorang yang kita da sayang. letting someone you love is hard..thank god ada my frend and sis. boleh tolong bagi nasihat sikit2 kan.
kekal single je larh okay.

:( :( :( :(

Saturday, November 27, 2010

cuttiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ :)

ye kita bertemu lagii. meh2 i nak ckap 1 thing. lama an tak update blog?? gle vavi lama xupdate. (memang strat blogging kene cmni eh??) lantak lah. ikesah apa.
ak memang ketermalasan nk update. malas lah!! better i messssssaging an ;). best sikit. ngeeee.

~cuti gle like hell. take home test aka THT ak xsiap ag. ak dah la dapat allsubject. macam hell ak nk kene pikir nk buat. nasib da siap sikit doe. sikit lah. boleh kira 1/5 da siap. bagus kan ak? ni semua NOR AIDA HANIZA yg ajar. aida-bngga kan nama ko ada??

and right now i'm in kl. boring la dok rumah.
:D baik jalan2. best sikit. but still ingt kawan2 i kat kel ..we all messaging la kan ;). me just letih'ing shopping all over kl ni. but tdi.keluar ngan my cousin n sis..tngk HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOW part 1. boleh kira sweet lah cte tu. i'm dreamin to be emma watson~ (chewahh). and d conclusion...mantopp cte tu!

keterpaksaan balik esok was sucks.. what to loads of tht tak siap lagi. nk suh moyang kepada tok ak wat pun..nanti ye lah. karang terbalik habis sume bnda. baik ak wat sndiri.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! the only thing i'm worried about now is the result. result cmna hah?? me hoping to get good result.better than last year lah harap2. **SIGH

N NOW I AM REALLY2 CONFUSED. ni payah ni...tak bley cite sini. benda ni. aida yg taw. aida kan *winkwink.
tapi xpe la...lovey doveyy ni biasa la.. tapi ni sebab hati dan perasaan..dah mcm dihiris dengan sembilu. sdih sngtttt..biar lah Allah yg mengetahui isi hati yang terpendam..

:( :(

Friday, September 17, 2010


terasa diri nAK memblogging. owh god serious sudeyh lama tak update. sebab?? 1 word M.A.L.A.S :) haha. memang malas. kinda busy with works today. not todAY ONLY maaa, my past time tooo.memang busy. wat apa ntah. nak blogging pun malas. baik study (start da neh nak perasan) haha. biasa lah perempuan o.O . kene-mengena ke?? lantak lah.

todaY is 17.09.2010. alahai, sekolah nak bukak dah la. malas nye. asal awal sngat. tapi xpe. contohi AIDA ;) dia nak sngt gi skul.. pelik betul. org bagi cuti, dia nak skola. org skola, dia nak cuti. sebabbbbbbbbbbbb we more much reason asal kita suka gi skul. tapi reasons tu SECRET RECIPE ah kan? mana bley ckp kat org. <3

okay now da start malas membogging. biasa arh. hangat2 thi ayam cmni arh.
ada 1 karangan bm fiksyen sains i xsiap lagi. alah,nak kene perah otak neh bagi idea.
pastu oral. lagi laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. malas siot nak hafal. sengal betul arh~ malas ni!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

charice ft iyaz ~ pyramid~

Shawty's love is like a pyramid (ooh)
We stand together till the very end (eh ooh)
There'll never be another love for sure (ooh)
Iyaz and Charice let we go

Stones, heavy like the love you've shown (shown)
Solid as the ground we've known (known)
And I just wanna carry on
We took it from the bottom up (no no no)
And even in a desert storm (yeah)
Sturdy as a rock we hold (oh)
Wishing every moment froze
Now I just wanna let you know
Earthquakes can't shake us
Cyclones can't break us
Hurricanes can't take away our love

Pyramid, we built this on a solid rock
It feels just like it's heaven's touch
Together at the top (at the top baby), like a pyramid
And even when the wind is blowing
We'll never fall just keep on going
Forever we will stay, like a pyramid

Like a pyramid like a pyramid eh (ooh)
Like a pyramid like a pyramid eh (ooh)
Like a pyramid like a pyramid eh eh (oooh)

Cold (cold), never ever when you're close (close)
We will never let it fold (fold)
A story that was never told
Something like a mystery (yoh!)
And every step we took we've grown
Look how fast the time has flown
A journey to a place unknown
We're going down in history
Earthquakes can't shake us (oh)
Cyclones can't break us (oh)
Hurricanes can't take away our love

Pyramid, we built this on a solid rock (hey!)
It feels just like it's heaven's touch
Together at the top, (at the top baby) like a pyramid
And even when the wind is blowing (wind is blowing)
We'll never fall just keep it going (keep it going)
Forever we will stay, like a pyramid (eh oh)

Like a pyramid girl let me show you
That I love you so much
That we gonna get through (oh oh)
Even when there's storms
I will never go, Ima be the one to keep you safe (hey)
Before was our love back it up more than enough
Holding on to one another be the cover when it's rough (oh oh)
Mother nature (hey) or disaster won't stop at happy ever after

Pyramid, keep it going (like a pyramid, like a pyramid)
Oh oh ooooh (like a pyramid, like a pyramid)

Pyramid, we built this on a solid rock (solid rock)
It feels just like it's heaven's touch (oooh)
Together at the top (at the top baby, at the top girl), like a pyramid
And even when the wind is blowing
We'll never fall just keep on going (keep it going)
Forever we will stay (Charice), like a pyramid (what what)

Pyramid, we built this on a solid rock
It feels just like it's heaven's touch
Together at the top (at the top baby, at the top girl), like a pyramid (pyramid)
And even when the wind is blowing
We'll never fall just keep it going
Forever we will stay (ooh), like a pyramid

Like a pyramid like a pyramid eh
Like a pyramid like a pyramid eh
Like a pyramid like a pyramid eh eh

~love this song damn muhcchh~

Friday, June 18, 2010

mizz nina ~ what you waiting for lyricsss

Mizz Nina What You Waiting For Lyrics

Baby, I never seen someone with your body
You make me want get this party started
Hey baby, come in tell me what this all, baby, baby
Tell me what you what you waiting for

Baby, I never seen someone with your body
You make me wanna get a little naughty
Hey baby come in get it it's all yours, baby, baby
Tell me what you what you waiting for

Its your birthday
So tell me what you want to
Its my birthday
I really wanna get with you
Drop the beat now and may be we can get it started
Well go insane and take you to the after party

So what's your name
Hey baby what's your name (oh yeah)
Sexys my name
Yeah sexys my name
OK and whats your game
Hey baby what's your game
OK I like to play
I I like to play

Baby, I never seen someone with your body
You make me want get this party started
Hey baby, come in tell me what this all, baby, baby
Tell me what you what you waiting for

Baby, I never seen someone with your body
You make me wanna get a little naughty
Hey baby come in get it it's all yours, baby, baby
Tell me what you what you waiting for

Hey sexy girl from Kuala Lumpur
Hey baby that's me I'll be on the dance floor
I got you with surprise we pop in up in VIP
and if I ask nice can I take you home with me

So what's your name
Hey baby what's your name (oh yeah)
Sexys my name
Yeah sexys my name
OK and whats your game
Hey baby what's your game
OK I like to play
I I like to play

Baby, I never seen someone with your body
You make me want get this party started
Hey baby, come in tell me what this all, baby, baby
Tell me what you what you waiting for

Baby, I never seen someone with your body
You make me wanna get a little naughty
Hey baby come in get it it's all yours, baby, baby
Tell me what you what you waiting for

Baby let's get crazy
Come and loose control
You want to tear up the after party
I know you want some more
I wanna see you with that body
Working down real low
Baby yeah Come and get it
What you what you waiting for

Baby, I never seen someone with your body
You make me want get this party started
Hey baby, come in tell me what this all, baby, baby
Tell me what you what you waiting for

Baby, I never seen someone with your body
You make me wanna get a little naughty
Hey baby come in get it it's all yours, baby, baby
Tell me what you what you waiting for

Thursday, June 17, 2010

~ngeh ngeh~

haha. changing my layout sudeyhhh. god, nothin to say. i'm juz getting soo damn boring now. talkin about my hworks. ahh,thnx god. i almost nk siap. yeahhh. tpi mag-inc tu i blum lagi. erghhh, i need to edit d article. seriouly like payah glerr. pergh. hateee damn much..

lol. owh yaa. i juz get back from kl -on last mond. yeahh. shopping jee kerja. bagus kan2??
hehe :) welll. shopping raya gakk. damn besttt. likeee.

okaaayyy. i got nothin to sayyy. i'm missin all my gurlfrendss. MY BOyfrendsss too. MISS u guyz. muahxxx.

mahirahh... <3

Friday, June 4, 2010

argh finally..

haha. ergh finally exam finished last wed. coolz. but still frustrated with sns paper. B in handd la. argh...shit. i think la. but still hoping for straight a's. aminnn!

lolz..talkin about d last day in skul. sooo it means yesterday. was freakingly greattt.
come back early around 12.30 to trengganu, n i am in trenganu. waitn balik hometown afterthis. haha.

pergh. with deadly cooool classmates!! i like that day seriously like helll. syara. arisha. aida. azim. taqim.duwe. arghh...they're awesome. welll...SEP KTO XPECOHHHH.
talkin n talkin without studyin!! amazinggg. ngn tqah. iesa. anis n syu. dioarng cm terbaik laaaa. lolz

k r....gtg.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

sumpah...mmg lama gle tak update..

gosh..this is d first time bukak blog after 28.01.2010.
i am very lazy updating my blog. seriously i'm sayin. mmg gle ak mals...fuhhh.
and talkin about school's schedule. iw was damn awesome.~perli2~
mmg ari2 kitorang balik almost at 6....i mean we finished our school time at 2.40. then at 3.30 we do have our PCA classes. wahh...sooo damn tired. but it was cool. very cool. as we get more knowledge babe.... damn long not talkin about my class...i like my class. my new class was damn awesome.
new boyfriends and gurlfriends were deadly cooool. i like <3. love u guyz laaa....

huhu...nothin to say. mbe this is d last post againnn..haha
welll...i'm busy now. exam was?? pergh..around d corner..

oowh choral thngy was perfectly goood. we won d PPD n STATE LEVEL. soo we are in d national list. haha..unfortunately we lost in nationals. we dun really mind actually. congrtas to CBN...u guyz deserve to be d winner...

oryte,,i'm out. gtg. much works cryin'. lol


Thursday, January 28, 2010

memoriable day in life :D

haha...i'm happy yet tired right now...merentas desa hari ni>>wah..sekali ngan my bufdey. terbaik lah. best la jgk kan :D

merentas desa was kinda best..gila like hell..haha. plus letih. x kesah pom x least kurus sikit :P (koya) first ak..lari2 ngan tqah n aida..pastu ak n tqah pecut sikit. so aida tertinggal..then ak tinggal sorang. at last ak jumpa balik ngan aida..and sampai sekola...terus cari air n blah..haha. tersempak ngan ten n alya. ok2 je. pastu ak.nadia n aida g kantin..pergi isi perut sikit..yg gle2 tngah meraung supaya diisi..haha

then ada pemberian hadiah for d winners..congrats to u allz...yg ak ingat namanye...mimi..aqim..jeriel..n others. mals nak tulis...nantikan...... :P :P :P

n now kinda letih..haha...dah calm da sikit. thnx god :D

k la..nak off dah..mals nak tulis bnyk2...

mahirah :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



OUH NO!! i dunnow what to say!! i am completely blurr...n i kept thinking of my cutee phone;n also my num... my expensive necklace i've ever had;my thousands of money(haha..not thousand)

i was shocked by my dad telling about what happen to my house after school finished...and i feel like to faint...i dunnow what to say..i wanna cry. and i've cried for quite sometime...when i reached home...i went staright to my bedroom...and u room was like a dustbin...full of books n jewelleries n etc messed on my bed..and the money all gone. same goes to my phone and my gold necklace :( :( :( :(

n after this the police will come to my house..take what do they need to! i can't do my works...especially my mountains hworks....

ok la..i dunnow what to say! i need to calmed down myself!!

n message for all who knows my num!!
don't send any message to me..and do calls.......coz i will not answer it... my sim card phone,.wait untill i get it back or just by a new one

Sunday, January 3, 2010

sapa sangka,,,,

adoi...i dunnow how to handle. but whatever it is...i need to handle it properly :D
i was shocked by my new class...huh..and that's it is..i got 2 ZAHRAWI for this year. and i am very praised to GOD...i feel i'm a lucky person...thnxa much...
but we need to separate..ten and alya got 2 we need to sit in a different class...

and usual ada pemilihan for the ketua n penolong and etc. calon for the da..mustaqim. and final decision is aqim. ok fine. and one thing that i get shocked is of my frend...suggested me as d penolong..ow god!! i tak nak jadi pun...aduh...tapi takpe least ada pengalaman :P...but payah la nak handle..kita ni suara dah la tak kuat..adoi

my class was ok...and i like it. more new frends fr zahrawi class...and they were...ok!!but...herm..xpe lah...x nak ckp lah!! haha

k la..dunnow what to say..see ya..k



Friday, January 1, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR u allllzzz...

wow!! tak sedar arh...skul da nak bukak..aduh..macam sekejap jew. tak sangka kan?? huh...nway
= new year
=new age
=and new things gonna happen..

hurm..i hope i'll study better this year to achieve my target :D
huh...hope all things will be fun!! huh...

but now..i am not in a good condition..i need to solve it d best..duunow lah what's happen. i'm confused..seriously. and one conclusion...I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT FOR THE SECOND TIME.... :( :( :(

Lyrics to When There Was Me And You :
It's funny when you find yourself
Looking from the outside
I'm standing here but all I want
Is to be over there
Why did I let myself believe
Miracles could happen
Cause now I have to pretend
That I don't really care

I thought you were my fairytale
A dream when I'm not sleeping
A wish upon a star
That's coming true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and you

I swore I knew the melody
That I heard you singing
And when you smiled
You made me feel
Like I could sing along
But then you went and changed the words
Now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's
And once upon a song

Now I know you're not a fairytale
And dreams were meant for sleeping
And wishes on a star
Just don't come true
Cause now even I can tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
Because I liked the view
When there was me and you

:( :( :(

I can't believe that
I could be so blind
It's like you were floating
While I was falling
And I didn't mind

Cause I liked the view
Thought you felt it too
When there was me and you