assalamualaikum and a very good evening or whatever it is called. yeah i'm back for like almost couple of months without updating damn i was so busy muehehe.
nothing to update but sure i'll like to express my feeling. macam what the krik krik result sumpah teruk. ya allah tuhan je la tahu. hello wake up please. spm next year kot. toughest exam huh? yeah i know sangat kot. banyak benda kene hafal. bukan hafal entah tapi for sure beza dengan pmr yang sangat mudah la jugakkk *ceh sebab sekarang ni form 4, kate la mudah. masa form 3 dulu pun susah bagai nak rak jugak.
since aku ni duduk sbp so result periksa keluar kat web dia lah kan.macam hell aku tengok baru ni ya allah. memang tak la aku nak sebut kat sini kan. buat malu muka je >< haha tapi confirm sangat2 lah bukan 6A seperti yang ditargetkan . alah nama lagi target kan,. memang tak dapat lah kan. hmmmmmmm yeah seperti yang sedia maklum, camni cerita dia.................
okay i was in kuala lumpur seriously. after having my breakfast i checked on my facebook account checking my latest updates kot, then a friend of mine posted saying her results and i was like okay awhsomee nak check jugak :) punya berdebar tahap bapak tak tahu nak cakap. my heart popped out you know. my heart macam dup dap dup dap dup dap then i search my name.pastu tahu la GPK aku berapa. and i was like okay merosot. :( sedih dah kat situ, kira punya kira. num dalam batch pun teruk jugak ya allah. then i knew my next year class will be masyallah bercucuran air mata sumpah tak tipu. hugged my mum saying sorry. aku rasa macam orang paling capital 'B' masa tu, pressure bukan kepalang. my mum comforted me and just said 'its okay, result spm tu lagi penting. biasa lah duduk sekolah top. students semua pandai2. " and i stopped crying.
and what i really know is that's it. that's life. you don't get everything you want. allah will give the best to you. tak semestinya result 9A tu result terbaik awak. tak semstinya pointer awak 4 flat tu result terbaik. kan? spm lagi penting. focus keep in focus. cakap je tak boleh kene ada usaha. okay byee. dah maghrib kot :) adios assalamualaikum
xoxo, with prayers :D