open hearts, open minds :) weheeee. assalamualaikum blog readers. oowh wah this is my new post after 6 weeks in the penjara of seseri haha. you know what, nobody can expects a life without all the gadgets. i couldn't imagine too the first time i step into that penjara. but yeah it has been like more than half a year i've been there, diri sudah menerima ketetapan diri yang berada di penjara. macam banduan okay. but,.. *Ade but tau haha :P, everythings went well. seriously, too much activities, loads of homewrok, thousand times of exam makes me feel crazy. its not actually crazy, it's more than crazy. ahaha.
astaghfirullah, cikgu selalu cakap kalau dapat homework jangan nak merungut. okay fine!! dah telan tak tahu berapa subjects hari ni. argh stress. yang teramat. stress aku tak lah se'stress orang lain haha.
hmm, for god sake, better late than never kan. ape tiba2 ni, okay cop, kita guna bahasa kiasan sikit, better be friends than never ;) orang selalu cakap, PUTUS HUBUNGAN TAKPE, PUTUS SILATURAHIM JANGAN.aik pelik kan? bukan sama ke.well i'm sure u guys do understand this :) alhamdulilah everythings goes well. sangan mengahragai detik itu. thankyou, friend :)
anyway, SALAM RAMADHAN to all my respective blog readers weheeee.pejam celik pejam celik seee dah puasa, kalau puasa maksudnya apa? nak habis tahun weheeeeeeeeeeeeee. mygod tua dah goin to be 17 next year. maksudnya SPM. maksudnya university. maksudnya boleh kahwin!!!!!!!!!! hahahahha *owh gurau je tu. yek tak nak pikir lagi ah. women are very sensitive to their age seriously.
eh eh, asyik2 melencong tempat lain je. salam ramdhan again. upgrade iman, delete dosa, approve pahala. :D insyallah akan dilakukan semua itu. memadangkan merupakan seorang pelajar di sbp, i'm very sure teh school has plan everything during this ramadhan , kalau ikut schedule, fuhhh this year confirm cukup terawikh hehe *since, tahun lepas dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya tak pernah cukup terawikh pun. insyallah kat sini cukup hehe. :) dan saya berazam nak khatamkan alquran this year, insyallah. ya allah, permudahkan urusan hamba mu ini. amin.
and now, out of the blue *chewah, dengan penuh keterpaksaan nya saya perlu ke hostel at 1pm,since my aunt ade kerja. i was like, what the, dah kene balik penjara.????????????????? NO!!!. camne-camne pun terpaksa jugak. goodbye fellows :'( i don't want to say that but i need to. hurmm,
~goodbye to my loved ones, mama, abah, my sis and my bros,
~goodbye to my bestest girlfriends.love you guysss
~goodbye my ex schoolmates. maherians, seriously i miss u guys :)
goodbye and goodbye people :)
assalamualaikum wbt. SELAMAT MENUNAIKAN IBADAH PUASA weheee.
xoxo,gossip girl. haha. muahhh :D