bismillahirahmanirahim.. gler hari khamis. tuhan je la taw. it was like miracles fallin down from the sky. argh!! happy nye.
thnx to my bestest girlfriends for all the suprise yaw.!! meh2, i perkenalkan. mula2, aida yang cantik lagi menawan. then piqal plak, yang sporting duduk dengan saya dalam 3biruni. pastu arisha yang sedang jadi hotstuff sekarang kene ejahs ngan pok jak :P.then nadia..thnx for the cake sayang. yang ni pun same la jugak..tengah otw dengan someone. pastu narissa, the braces girl. thnkss so much dear for the card.pastu syara, yang setia mendengar semua keluhan saya. keep our secret ya babe?? haha. and last but not least, shawanie. dio xbley datang sebab letihs. sokiee.. yeah. this were all my gurlfremds. my best gurlfrends!! ilysm derr!
yet thanxx to nadia for all the pict yaw.
auw auw. start dengan potong kek. macam terharu gler. i never get this kind of 'suprise' from anybody. my girlfrneds ni lah yang terbaik. arh saya sayang anda semua.
then ambik pictures. kita bersubahat pun bole. bukan bersubahat, lepas sekola kan, no worries i think! ambik gambar punya la banyak, alah kitaorng cara apa kan.
pastu main tepung.!! it was the best moment i think in 2011. best gler. i never played before. sume jadi macam hantu pocong sume. cantik glers. ye lah kitaorang kan da putih *ooops, perasan. lantak lah* tambah plak dengan tepung. lagi mantapp!! cantik glers. nanti i copy from nadia's blog..some photos. harap nadia izinkan yer nadia?? tengah2 main, macam budak laki nampak! bapak kau maluu gler. tapi apakan daya, nak sorok xbole dah. lantak je la diorang nak kata ape. btw, kitaorng main tepung2 ni kat padang. sbb malas cuci kelas. kan bagus camtu. gunakan kecerdikan.~ weeee.
terbaik lah diorang. thnx to all yang wish my birthday di fb mahupun di telefon. thnxx to my dearr classmates yang sudi mengingati birthday saye. my boyfriends too (kawan lelaki), jangan silap paham. thanxx yaw..tanpa korang ni sunyi je la dunia i *chewah xleyh nak blah.
meh2, i senaraikan the top ten yang wish. pukul 12 tepat, berderu masuk message,(heee, bangga gler) at first aida punya, i was like nak nangis, touched gler message mek ni. then piqal, pastu nadia. then azim folowed by duwe. pastu pok jak..and the gang. kredits too aqim, taqim n faris. terimakasih yaw! sayang korang ;) <3
~~~ actually nak post ni hari khamis, tapi xsempat. al-maklumlah i kan lambat typing2 ni, nak balas org post kat wall kat fb lagi. pening kepala dibuatnya! :D
so that's y i wrote it today. hehe,,
last but not least,,,thanxx again frends. my family too.~ thnxx dad for the clothes, and my sweety mum, thnx for the perfume. ngeee i love you so much.
!these are some pictures i copied from nadia's blog. sumpah i sayang korang!!