hehe...saje je post lagu. boring :D
Saat aku tertawa di atas semua
Saat aku menangisi kesedihanku
Aku ingin engkau selalu ada
Aku ingin engkau aku kenang
Selama aku masih bisa bernafas
Masih sanggup berjalan
Ku kan slalu memujamu
Meski ku tak tau lagi
Engkau ada di mana
Dengarkan aku ku merindukanmu
Saat aku mencoba merubah sgalanya
Saat aku meratapi kekalahanku
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
bye...bye kb.
hey guys... i dunnow what to write.i just get bored. talk about my golden holiday...i still have 2 more subjects to go. yg laen beres udah..huhu
today i'll fly for kl. huhu. saje cuti kat kl. my flght is at 3 after this. huhu.it means that need to reach there at 2.00.
so it's the time for me to get ready. herm...i'll miss my family. herm.....miss my mummy. huk3. k,la.
today i'll fly for kl. huhu. saje cuti kat kl. my flght is at 3 after this. huhu.it means that need to reach there at 2.00.
so it's the time for me to get ready. herm...i'll miss my family. herm.....miss my mummy. huk3. k,la.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
tired of travelling...
herm..ak baru je balik from trengganu. my family and i pergi holiday. g bukannye lama...just one day. pergi smlm. and sampai kat hotel at 10.20am. pastu ak g swimming. gosh..best. pastu kan ak jumpa la........eh tak yah la. tak nak cakap. haha. T____T
pastu naik bilik and makan. at 6.00pm ak gi balik. haha. saje je. exercise coz banyak gle makan. haha. swimming sikit at least bleh sihatkan badan. erm...pastu at 7.00 pm naik balik. jumpa plak. gosh.....
at night kita pergi window shopping!! tak beli pun. haha. saje jalan. then balik kat hotel at 10.00 pm. and jumpa lagi. patut r jumpa...same level. haha. that night, sblum tido ak wat gh sikit. banyak lagi....
tu je le nak cite. bukannya apa sangat. haha....k la...
pastu naik bilik and makan. at 6.00pm ak gi balik. haha. saje je. exercise coz banyak gle makan. haha. swimming sikit at least bleh sihatkan badan. erm...pastu at 7.00 pm naik balik. jumpa plak. gosh.....
at night kita pergi window shopping!! tak beli pun. haha. saje jalan. then balik kat hotel at 10.00 pm. and jumpa lagi. patut r jumpa...same level. haha. that night, sblum tido ak wat gh sikit. banyak lagi....
tu je le nak cite. bukannya apa sangat. haha....k la...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
lama kan tak update?>>
herm....lama ak tak update blog. gosh. huh...i dun have time. well...golden holiday are crying!! that's y. haha..
i dunnow what to write. i nieed to finished my golden holiday before 14 dec. n after that i'll be in kl. herm...
yeah..i've just finished watching HSM 3. haha...god. i like that story much!! herm...i would like to be gabriella. herm..i like her so much. she's nice...soft-hearted n much more>>
me n gang(haha..perasannye la)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Y O U....
Y O U.....
You're always in my thoughts
You're always in my dreams
And so a life without you would
Just tear away at the seams
It's you that keeps me up all night
The one getting me through the day
And so it seems to me that there
Is only one thing left to say
I don't know how to say it
To make it sound so true
So I'll say it how I feel it
I'm completely in love with you
You're always in my thoughts
You're always in my dreams
And so a life without you would
Just tear away at the seams
It's you that keeps me up all night
The one getting me through the day
And so it seems to me that there
Is only one thing left to say
I don't know how to say it
To make it sound so true
So I'll say it how I feel it
I'm completely in love with you
kinda the internet here was good. so i can update my blog. talking about yesterday was kinda so bad like what. we all bertolak at 12pm so patut sampai around maghrib gtu but sampai at 12 am. gle lama nak mampus. i get so bored in d car. nasib baik ada buku..kalu tidak..tak taw la. haha.
semalam jam teruk kat kemaman. kita tak lalu kot gua musang coz banjir so lalu la kot terengganu.terengganu pun 2 kali 5 je. banjir gak but ok sikit from gua musang. huh...letih nye la. then sampai at 12 lebih2. luckily,my cousin tak tdo lagi. so,kita lepak2 jap. haha.on9 ym for 15 mins. i went to bed at 3am. lambatnya la. tht's y bngun lambt. haha
k ,la i dun know what to write. well,i need to be ready coz nak check in ke hotel. haha. k,lah...
semalam jam teruk kat kemaman. kita tak lalu kot gua musang coz banjir so lalu la kot terengganu.terengganu pun 2 kali 5 je. banjir gak but ok sikit from gua musang. huh...letih nye la. then sampai at 12 lebih2. luckily,my cousin tak tdo lagi. so,kita lepak2 jap. haha.on9 ym for 15 mins. i went to bed at 3am. lambatnya la. tht's y bngun lambt. haha
k ,la i dun know what to write. well,i need to be ready coz nak check in ke hotel. haha. k,lah...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
K L i'm waiting 4 you...
haha. a while before going to kl. i just wanna update my blog before going. at 11 we'll go to kl. yeah..today the weather was not so bad. we just go for a while. and on wed we will be back. haha. raya haji is coming babe. that's y we cant sit there for a long time. huh...
i dont know what to write now. i just miss my internet. hope in kl i wish to use it. i'll be staying at the LA MERRIDEAN HOTEL(i dont know whether the spelling is correct or not).i just can;t wait to do my window shopping. awww...
well,gurlz can't run from shopping. my golden holiday?? ow,god. i didn't finish it. it's ok. there;s more time to go...
k,la. i need to go. i need to take my bath. see ya....
i dont know what to write now. i just miss my internet. hope in kl i wish to use it. i'll be staying at the LA MERRIDEAN HOTEL(i dont know whether the spelling is correct or not).i just can;t wait to do my window shopping. awww...
well,gurlz can't run from shopping. my golden holiday?? ow,god. i didn't finish it. it's ok. there;s more time to go...
k,la. i need to go. i need to take my bath. see ya....
Friday, November 20, 2009
NI gambar yg we all ambk kat skul after exam lepas peksa. haha...memory yg tak dapt dilupakan. kita curi2 bawak fon. relax r kan....we the four mmg tak leh lepas dari camera. kita ni gle camera. haha....
i just want to be with them ever after no matter what happen...mizzz you guyz..

god....kandid la konon. haha. alya,ten,ME and aida.
cun lah.....

i just want to be with them ever after no matter what happen...mizzz you guyz..

god....kandid la konon. haha. alya,ten,ME and aida.
cun lah.....

we the four....we'll stay together ever after....i love you,guyz...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
end of schooling...
guys...school is over!! let's have party..haha. i;m just kidding. yeah..today ada ict day. so,we all kene pergi kat dewan tuh. huh..tak pe la. and yet ak punya kain tuday plak ada problem.damn..gle ah. geram nak mampus.
started ngan kuiz ict. ow..damn. bored like hell. wtf ar. kitaorg tak masuk so just tngk orang yg masuk. bored gle. pastu kita made decision kuar dewan and pergi makan. perut dah menjerit kelaparan. what do you imagine. mesti la lapar kan..haha.so..pergi la makan. then datang balik...
masuk balik dewan tu. thnx..god dah habis kuiz ict tu. and just wait 4 the prizing ceremony. praised to god, aku dpat antara thnkquest terbaik. haha. dapat sijil n voucher kfc. jadi lah. tak kiisah pun kalu tak dapt. herm..pastu bersurai la..kita pun masuk kelas. mukhre,aqim,pak do n ray pergi asrama. tak sempat nak mintak maaf. adoi...
takpe la...
well,kalau result kita rendah..out of the school la jawabnya. mmg takut lah. that;s y..kene mintak maaf dulu. and aku da mintak maaf ngan my classmates. hope we are still together next year..aku sayang korang. haha.at 2, kita balik. tunggu my mum sanbil cakap2 ngan alya n ten. haha. aida da balik. so kita 4 orang jer..
and...1 more. congratulations to my sister. she get 5A's for the UPSR exam. hope she will be beter for the PMR n SPM exam. gud luck ,sis.....
that;s all. takde apa aku nak tulis. k la. gtg. ak nak kuar makan...
peace babe...
started ngan kuiz ict. ow..damn. bored like hell. wtf ar. kitaorg tak masuk so just tngk orang yg masuk. bored gle. pastu kita made decision kuar dewan and pergi makan. perut dah menjerit kelaparan. what do you imagine. mesti la lapar kan..haha.so..pergi la makan. then datang balik...
masuk balik dewan tu. thnx..god dah habis kuiz ict tu. and just wait 4 the prizing ceremony. praised to god, aku dpat antara thnkquest terbaik. haha. dapat sijil n voucher kfc. jadi lah. tak kiisah pun kalu tak dapt. herm..pastu bersurai la..kita pun masuk kelas. mukhre,aqim,pak do n ray pergi asrama. tak sempat nak mintak maaf. adoi...
takpe la...
well,kalau result kita rendah..out of the school la jawabnya. mmg takut lah. that;s y..kene mintak maaf dulu. and aku da mintak maaf ngan my classmates. hope we are still together next year..aku sayang korang. haha.at 2, kita balik. tunggu my mum sanbil cakap2 ngan alya n ten. haha. aida da balik. so kita 4 orang jer..
and...1 more. congratulations to my sister. she get 5A's for the UPSR exam. hope she will be beter for the PMR n SPM exam. gud luck ,sis.....
that;s all. takde apa aku nak tulis. k la. gtg. ak nak kuar makan...
peace babe...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
the worst thing in life....right?? haha..
There is a line between you and me. It is very thin but when I try to cross, it turns into a wide and rough line. I shouldn't cross, I can't cross. Because I know that I am one of your friends. I want to say "I love you" a thousand times, but I can't. Because I know I am just your friend.
by Amy Stein
I wait by the phone everyday
But you never call
I get ready to go somewhere
But you never show up
I tell you important things
But you never listen
I say I love you
But you never answer
I write you mail
But you never respond
I ask if you love me, I ask if you care
But you never pay attention to me.
You make me feel all alone.You make me feel unloved.You make me feel like no one cares and no one ever will
How can you do that to someone you are supposed to love?How can someone so sweet be so cruel? How can I hate so many things you do but still love you so much?
Those are questions that will go unanswered forever
Because I can ask and ask but you will never respond.
There is a line between you and me. It is very thin but when I try to cross, it turns into a wide and rough line. I shouldn't cross, I can't cross. Because I know that I am one of your friends. I want to say "I love you" a thousand times, but I can't. Because I know I am just your friend.
by Amy Stein
I wait by the phone everyday
But you never call
I get ready to go somewhere
But you never show up
I tell you important things
But you never listen
I say I love you
But you never answer
I write you mail
But you never respond
I ask if you love me, I ask if you care
But you never pay attention to me.
You make me feel all alone.You make me feel unloved.You make me feel like no one cares and no one ever will
How can you do that to someone you are supposed to love?How can someone so sweet be so cruel? How can I hate so many things you do but still love you so much?
Those are questions that will go unanswered forever
Because I can ask and ask but you will never respond.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
to the end of october...
ow..yeah. it seems that november is coming tomorrow. huh..after a year i've been in form 1.next year i'll be in form 2. and the next year in FORM 3. ow..gosh. time flies very fast. PMR!!!ow damn..need to study double than upsr. wowowo.
i'm bored now n that's y i'm start blogging. that's d only way other than study. at 10,i'll sit at my messy table (it was full with books) and do my homeworks and start doing my revision. till now i don't take my bath yet:D. yeah.as ussual,babe. i don't know what to write,guyz. herm...before i go. i want to write something to my ..........dunnow. mybe my friends.but mybe not... i hate people that like to talk bad things about my self. people are not perfect. i know my mistakes. and i dont want to be so gedikz, sombongz or whatever. and before you talk bad things about me, can you plez see yourself first rather than talking bad things about people. i hate such people like this.
I HATE MY HATERS....but sometime we need to love them. according to aiesya's post,if there were no haters, we do not know our mistakes. sis, it's absolutely right. and i think i need to love them. LOVE AS A HATERS. haha...
that's all. i've been waiting for a long time to write about this and now i wrote it. kepada yang terasa....i'm so sorry n take note about it. ergh...
i'm bored now n that's y i'm start blogging. that's d only way other than study. at 10,i'll sit at my messy table (it was full with books) and do my homeworks and start doing my revision. till now i don't take my bath yet:D. yeah.as ussual,babe. i don't know what to write,guyz. herm...before i go. i want to write something to my ..........dunnow. mybe my friends.but mybe not... i hate people that like to talk bad things about my self. people are not perfect. i know my mistakes. and i dont want to be so gedikz, sombongz or whatever. and before you talk bad things about me, can you plez see yourself first rather than talking bad things about people. i hate such people like this.
I HATE MY HATERS....but sometime we need to love them. according to aiesya's post,if there were no haters, we do not know our mistakes. sis, it's absolutely right. and i think i need to love them. LOVE AS A HATERS. haha...
that's all. i've been waiting for a long time to write about this and now i wrote it. kepada yang terasa....i'm so sorry n take note about it. ergh...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
hey. after sometimes not updating my blog, i'm back now. haha. started my day at school with the co assembly. well, as ussual ,babe. our headmaster speak up today. damn..it was so long. and .i need to stand for an hour till my feet cried. haha. then it was ict time. we just checked our blogs. alya brought her pendrive. so we made a decision to take a look at alya's pictures n music. unfortnately, we just look at alya's pict. fabulous,babe. haha. then continued by paq. just learned about jawi. then recess. i brought my own food as well as faten. alya did bring some nasi kapit. aida..went to the koperasi to buy the food as she did not bring anything. i like bringing food from home coz i don't have to go down and go up to buy the foods. but sometimes, i need to.
after that, historia subject. sir iman just asked us to write out about what do i get after learning the subject for almost 1 year. sir iman asked us to present it infont of the class. i presented it. bm was the last subject today. we did a test on bm paper 1. i'm glad coz i got almost all correct.
at 3.15pm, as ussual i did a study group with my friends. we did some questions about mathematics. thnx... to sir iman. becoz he gave the idea to do the study group before the PKBS 3. thnx..sir.
u know what guyz.... I HATE PEOPLES THAT HATES ME.......
p/s: sorry for the grammar mistakes.
need to go. i wanna do other things. bye..
after that, historia subject. sir iman just asked us to write out about what do i get after learning the subject for almost 1 year. sir iman asked us to present it infont of the class. i presented it. bm was the last subject today. we did a test on bm paper 1. i'm glad coz i got almost all correct.
at 3.15pm, as ussual i did a study group with my friends. we did some questions about mathematics. thnx... to sir iman. becoz he gave the idea to do the study group before the PKBS 3. thnx..sir.
u know what guyz.... I HATE PEOPLES THAT HATES ME.......
p/s: sorry for the grammar mistakes.
need to go. i wanna do other things. bye..
Thursday, October 22, 2009
happy birthday to my sis.....
hey!!first of all,i wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister. she is 12 years old now.
today was?? ok! haha. started my school with the tazkirah at dataran-Q. yeah...it was good. we learned more things about islam. yeah. herm...then continued by pjk. today there's no pj. i also dunnow why. so,we made a decision just to seat in class. i need to complete the form given by my class monitor,izzat. faten, aida, alya and me just talked while revising some subjects. yeah..my exam is around the corner. i need to study harder to achieve my target.
after that,english. teacher asked us to go to the sal room because my teacher is quite not healthy. so, we just go there n did 1 essay. ow..yeah. then, it was recess time. i've bought a packet of fried noodles from my friend,known as arisha. then continued by kh. my teacher did not came in to class. so, we just stay in the class. and then continued by science. teacher gave us some papers. so,we need to do it. and the last period is sivik. teacher hasneeyah ask us to sit in the sal room. but we could not find the keys. so we go back to our class and talked and sang. haha. faten and alya was the best singer i think. haha.
after a while shawanie didn't came to school she's back now. she had a fever before this. aqim either. he broked his leg... his friend said. ow..pity aqim. i hope your leg is better now. ha..fiona too. she did not came to school this week. dunnow why....sigh**
k,la. nothing to say. i wanna stop now.,,tooodles.
p/s: sori for the grammar mistakes
today was?? ok! haha. started my school with the tazkirah at dataran-Q. yeah...it was good. we learned more things about islam. yeah. herm...then continued by pjk. today there's no pj. i also dunnow why. so,we made a decision just to seat in class. i need to complete the form given by my class monitor,izzat. faten, aida, alya and me just talked while revising some subjects. yeah..my exam is around the corner. i need to study harder to achieve my target.
after that,english. teacher asked us to go to the sal room because my teacher is quite not healthy. so, we just go there n did 1 essay. ow..yeah. then, it was recess time. i've bought a packet of fried noodles from my friend,known as arisha. then continued by kh. my teacher did not came in to class. so, we just stay in the class. and then continued by science. teacher gave us some papers. so,we need to do it. and the last period is sivik. teacher hasneeyah ask us to sit in the sal room. but we could not find the keys. so we go back to our class and talked and sang. haha. faten and alya was the best singer i think. haha.
after a while shawanie didn't came to school she's back now. she had a fever before this. aqim either. he broked his leg... his friend said. ow..pity aqim. i hope your leg is better now. ha..fiona too. she did not came to school this week. dunnow why....sigh**
k,la. nothing to say. i wanna stop now.,,tooodles.
p/s: sori for the grammar mistakes
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
what a freak !!!!!!!!
hey..what's up?? i am boring now..and i start blogging. ow,yeah. today was great. but not that great after the 2nd last period at school. where there's a misunderstanding about a small matter called a trip. well, my class wanted to organised a trip to a place. after asking our class teacher,EN KAMARUDDIN, he said ...NO!! sigh**.then, we all asked our history teacher, EN. NUR IMAN. he is very sporting, understands the students and much more good thing that makes me likes him much. we all wanna go to SWEET BEACH RESORT at first. i also never been here yet. and then cancelled. then, there's a suggestion to do at LA HOT SPRING.
and d boys don't like it. they don't agreed with the suggestion. alya,arisha, nadia, faten and etc handled it juz now.and i'm quite ........... . don't know.i juz can't write it. it is too public. and then alya get a screamed to ur class. so,the small fight started. i just ignore it. it seems they were like the debaters in the tv. haha. what the hell!!! i am so upset on what's happened in school.
these are some advices to all my classmates who visit my blog:
first of all, we need to understand what had happened. plez be an open-minded people. we are like one family in the class. if we quarrelled here and there, our class will not be as good like last time. we need to cooperate with each other. not to fight. i know, just now there's a group of people who doesn't like with the suggestion neither the people who handled it. i'm not blaming you all..guyz. if there's any mistakes that i've did just now, i just wanna say sorry.
AND I JUST WANNA SAY THAT.............I LOve yOU Alll
p/s: sorry for the grammar mistakes.
and d boys don't like it. they don't agreed with the suggestion. alya,arisha, nadia, faten and etc handled it juz now.and i'm quite ........... . don't know.i juz can't write it. it is too public. and then alya get a screamed to ur class. so,the small fight started. i just ignore it. it seems they were like the debaters in the tv. haha. what the hell!!! i am so upset on what's happened in school.
these are some advices to all my classmates who visit my blog:
first of all, we need to understand what had happened. plez be an open-minded people. we are like one family in the class. if we quarrelled here and there, our class will not be as good like last time. we need to cooperate with each other. not to fight. i know, just now there's a group of people who doesn't like with the suggestion neither the people who handled it. i'm not blaming you all..guyz. if there's any mistakes that i've did just now, i just wanna say sorry.
AND I JUST WANNA SAY THAT.............I LOve yOU Alll
p/s: sorry for the grammar mistakes.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
i think not to post anything. but,guys. read it. especially d gurlz. erm...
Girl: Hey
Boy: What?
Girl: I really like you. And I...
I think I'm falling in love with you.
Boy: Ok..
Girl: What do you mean "ok"?
Boy: I don't like you like that...
Girl: Why not?
Boy: I can't tell you... maybe
anothertime ...
From then on, the girl kept asking the boy "Why not?" whenever she saw him,
and he kept answering the same answer of "I'll tell you later." Finally the girl got fed up.
Girl: I'm tired of this! Tell me why you don't like me!
Boy: Do you really wanna know why?
Girl: Yes!
Boy: It's because you're uglier than freak! What's the point of going out with someone when they're not pretty?!
(The nerve!! soo superficial!!)
Girl: But... I...
Boy: Just shut up and leave me alone!
The boy leaves and the girl is sitting there
alone crying her heart out.
Then her cell phone rings.
Girl: Hello?
Mom: Sweetheart? I want you to go home, ok? I'll be home from work in a few hours.
Girl: Alright Mom.
Mom: I love you.
Girl: I love you too, Mom.
Mom: Bye Bye.
Girl: Bye
The girl heads home and once she got there, she went in the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.
Girl: I'm not pretty enough...
She set to work, knowing fully well what she was going to do. 2 hourslater, her Mom came home and heard the bath water running. She went upstairs to find the hallway flooded so she knocked on the door.
Mom: Honey? Are you alright?
She opened the door and was shocked at the site. The bath was overflowing onto the floor, and the water was tinted red. She walked over to see what was inside and screamed. There, her little girl was lying with cuts all over her face and wrists. Her Mom backed away and was going to run to call the police when something caught her eye. On the mirror were thesewords written in blood:
"Am I pretty enough now?"
No one deserves to be told that by someone they love. If you find it messed up then forward this to everyone you know.A person's appearan doesn't count.What counts is their heart inside of them and their personality. No one wants to be told they're not good enough...
thnx..to my friend,fila for posting this at fs...
Girl: Hey
Boy: What?
Girl: I really like you. And I...
I think I'm falling in love with you.
Boy: Ok..
Girl: What do you mean "ok"?
Boy: I don't like you like that...
Girl: Why not?
Boy: I can't tell you... maybe
anothertime ...
From then on, the girl kept asking the boy "Why not?" whenever she saw him,
and he kept answering the same answer of "I'll tell you later." Finally the girl got fed up.
Girl: I'm tired of this! Tell me why you don't like me!
Boy: Do you really wanna know why?
Girl: Yes!
Boy: It's because you're uglier than freak! What's the point of going out with someone when they're not pretty?!
(The nerve!! soo superficial!!)
Girl: But... I...
Boy: Just shut up and leave me alone!
The boy leaves and the girl is sitting there
alone crying her heart out.
Then her cell phone rings.
Girl: Hello?
Mom: Sweetheart? I want you to go home, ok? I'll be home from work in a few hours.
Girl: Alright Mom.
Mom: I love you.
Girl: I love you too, Mom.
Mom: Bye Bye.
Girl: Bye
The girl heads home and once she got there, she went in the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.
Girl: I'm not pretty enough...
She set to work, knowing fully well what she was going to do. 2 hourslater, her Mom came home and heard the bath water running. She went upstairs to find the hallway flooded so she knocked on the door.
Mom: Honey? Are you alright?
She opened the door and was shocked at the site. The bath was overflowing onto the floor, and the water was tinted red. She walked over to see what was inside and screamed. There, her little girl was lying with cuts all over her face and wrists. Her Mom backed away and was going to run to call the police when something caught her eye. On the mirror were thesewords written in blood:
"Am I pretty enough now?"
No one deserves to be told that by someone they love. If you find it messed up then forward this to everyone you know.A person's appearan doesn't count.What counts is their heart inside of them and their personality. No one wants to be told they're not good enough...
thnx..to my friend,fila for posting this at fs...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
hey guys. i get so boring now and that's why i'm start blogging. hehe. oo..yeah. today was great. kat sekolah start ngan masa sns. pergi ke science lab. and..biasanya kena duk dlm kumpulan 4 d quicktest. but sekarang da habis q.test tu. so, mmy group dokkat tempat biasa la. and i think ada orang yang berkecil hati (to you all minta maaf banyak2 la yer) kitaorang tak bmksud nak sakitkan hati korang. k? em, then masa maths. masuk bilik math. and study there. huh. ooo..yeah sebelum terlupa. actually saya fasting ari ni then....n tah la terbukak. oh...DAMN. faten, aida and alya you know it better right??haha. kelakar kan. wekk. tak pe. pasu rehat. saya tak makn pun,berdosa rasa. tht's y. hehe.then bm. as ussual, blaja komsas ari ni. then masa pai. ustad tak masuk. my history teacher datang relief. huh....best gler. ckgu cter pasal........macam2 la. thnx sir for telling us stories. boleh melepaskn tension ynag sedang berserabut dalam kepala. huh...then masa geo followed by bi.
huh...i'm now at my house. and i want to stop blogging coz historia esok ada quiz. nak wat revision jap. k...la
huh...i'm now at my house. and i want to stop blogging coz historia esok ada quiz. nak wat revision jap. k...la
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
huh...after many days i dont update my blog. ow, yeah. i'm so busy with my works. ergh,well.. PKBS 3 is around the corner. huh,so?? i need to study harder. uh...its ok. i want to get straight 8A's. amin. hopr to get.
ok,today was great. emm,start my day with bacaan yasin. then science subject,we all just do an experiment for our PEKA. ow,yeah then maths subject. we just did some exercise in the textbook.
then rehat. kitaorang gi koperasi to buy some food. padahal saya da bawak bekal, haha. macam budak kecik. LOL pastu masa bm. kita blaja komsas ari ni. buat lathian dalam buku kerja yang kita beli.pastu masa pai. kinda ustad came in today. but he did not teach us. so we just did our own work. me,risha, alya and aida??we just talk and talk. while i did my ret hworks. huh...
then masa geo. ckgu bagi kertas yg kena wat. aduh..letih. damn,i dont like geo but i nee dto like it. geo is damnly difficult. we need to understand the thousands of facts. shit. then bi subject. we just study about some literature component. ow,yeah. then balik. haha. jiwang sket ek??
Tell me how can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
Baby tell me how
How you love me now
Tell me how can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
I hate when you say
How you love me now
now i am at my house. blgging and check my fs. ok,byeee
ok,today was great. emm,start my day with bacaan yasin. then science subject,we all just do an experiment for our PEKA. ow,yeah then maths subject. we just did some exercise in the textbook.
then rehat. kitaorang gi koperasi to buy some food. padahal saya da bawak bekal, haha. macam budak kecik. LOL pastu masa bm. kita blaja komsas ari ni. buat lathian dalam buku kerja yang kita beli.pastu masa pai. kinda ustad came in today. but he did not teach us. so we just did our own work. me,risha, alya and aida??we just talk and talk. while i did my ret hworks. huh...
then masa geo. ckgu bagi kertas yg kena wat. aduh..letih. damn,i dont like geo but i nee dto like it. geo is damnly difficult. we need to understand the thousands of facts. shit. then bi subject. we just study about some literature component. ow,yeah. then balik. haha. jiwang sket ek??
Tell me how can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
Baby tell me how
How you love me now
Tell me how can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
I hate when you say
How you love me now
now i am at my house. blgging and check my fs. ok,byeee
Sunday, September 20, 2009
to all blog readers...i hope you can forgive me if i've makes any mistakes with you guys. huhu.yeah...woke up at 6.45am this morning. did my prayers and took my bath. yeaz..after that my sis and me followed our dad to the mosque and did our raya prayers.then took some pictures with my family.huhu...wait i'll post the photo.
pergi rumah my datuk sebelah papa dulu!kinda best. ramai gler orang!!yeah...then lebih kurang kul 12.00pm my family and i balik rumah tok sebelah mama plak. yer la..dekat je. umah tok sebelah papa kat pasir pekan whle umah tok sebelah mama kat tumpat. tak macam dulu..kitaorng kena travelled 7 hours untuk sampai kelanatn. tu pun tak tentu. yer la...7 years ago kita duk kuala lumpur. then papa kena pindah.haha
dunnow what to say. and i'm now at my tok's house(sebelah mama)huhu..
k,la. i want to go. manchester u is on now...AND I HATE MU!!
p/s: yang kat atas tu my family picture. haha
Thursday, September 17, 2009
2 DAYS TO GO........................
guys,,,hai there. lama gle mahira tak update blog.i'm so busy with this and that.huh...hari ni baru tercapai nak update blog.yeah.ok2. nak cte pasal kat skul tadi. almost half of the class tak datang tadi.shit. damn gle ramai yang tak datang. boys dua oramg yang tak datang. haha,,,gurlz?takleh nak recall.ramai sangat.
start scooling with pjk subject. but this month kan puasa.so no pj la of coz. juz duduk dlam kelas and talking. ha...risha also ada conflict ngan budak dalam kelas mahirah. so masa pjk diambil untuk bercakap dan menyisat that stupid,freaky thing! tak caya tanya ten!!haha memang damn gle la diorang.jaht betul,eee...kalu ikutkanhati nak buat satay je malam ni, tapi tak per la. kawan! biasala..gurau2..sudah menjadi lumrah budak2 dalam kelas sya.
then masa ps!! teacher decided not to teach us today.oo...bukan kemain happy set2 ni!teruk la.
me and faten juz cakap2 ngan teacher about her experience travelling aroud the world.not really around..mube haif!hwa3.gurau jer teacher.
pastu masa kh! kinda kena gi bilik jahit! and siapkan jahitan.huh..kitaorang plan tak nak masuk masa kh. emm...naik kelas g ambik beg. sume yang dalam kelas tu da balik. unfortunately..jumpe ngan mukhre,duwe and said ats tangga. so kita wish kat diaorang, wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR BATIN!!huhu...faten!!figure about it back! best kan??haha.today pulak balik awal, pukul 12.00pm da balik. hoooray!!
to all...outsuders and insiders that read my blog!! i wanna say SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN!!!
need to go..wanna slepp. daaa
k,laa. i want to sleep.
guys,,,hai there. lama gle mahira tak update blog.i'm so busy with this and that.huh...hari ni baru tercapai nak update blog.yeah.ok2. nak cte pasal kat skul tadi. almost half of the class tak datang tadi.shit. damn gle ramai yang tak datang. boys dua oramg yang tak datang. haha,,,gurlz?takleh nak recall.ramai sangat.
start scooling with pjk subject. but this month kan puasa.so no pj la of coz. juz duduk dlam kelas and talking. ha...risha also ada conflict ngan budak dalam kelas mahirah. so masa pjk diambil untuk bercakap dan menyisat that stupid,freaky thing! tak caya tanya ten!!haha memang damn gle la diorang.jaht betul,eee...kalu ikutkanhati nak buat satay je malam ni, tapi tak per la. kawan! biasala..gurau2..sudah menjadi lumrah budak2 dalam kelas sya.
then masa ps!! teacher decided not to teach us today.oo...bukan kemain happy set2 ni!teruk la.
me and faten juz cakap2 ngan teacher about her experience travelling aroud the world.not really around..mube haif!hwa3.gurau jer teacher.
pastu masa kh! kinda kena gi bilik jahit! and siapkan jahitan.huh..kitaorang plan tak nak masuk masa kh. emm...naik kelas g ambik beg. sume yang dalam kelas tu da balik. unfortunately..jumpe ngan mukhre,duwe and said ats tangga. so kita wish kat diaorang, wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR BATIN!!huhu...faten!!figure about it back! best kan??haha.today pulak balik awal, pukul 12.00pm da balik. hoooray!!
to all...outsuders and insiders that read my blog!! i wanna say SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN!!!
need to go..wanna slepp. daaa
k,laa. i want to sleep.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
a while before going to school...
hehehe.....get up late. do my shower and pray subuh! biasanya sambung tidur but hari ni ntah..rasa malas plak. haha..so internet lah tempatnya! nothing to say pagi buta camni. just wanna say good luck to all candidates for UPSR examination..............
my sis,maisarah also will sit for the exam. uh..ALL THE BEST to you. hope you can get 5A's. insyaalah. i always be there for you. just focus on the exam. huhu...last but not least,GOOD LUCK to all candidates in zainab 1 school. hope you all can do it. buat lah yang terbaik. so that you all can archieve the target. and beat last year's result. i'm saying like this coz i am an ex-zainabians. haha
k,la. i need to go to school. see ya again.....
my sis,maisarah also will sit for the exam. uh..ALL THE BEST to you. hope you can get 5A's. insyaalah. i always be there for you. just focus on the exam. huhu...last but not least,GOOD LUCK to all candidates in zainab 1 school. hope you all can do it. buat lah yang terbaik. so that you all can archieve the target. and beat last year's result. i'm saying like this coz i am an ex-zainabians. haha
k,la. i need to go to school. see ya again.....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
hai there...how are you? i'm fine! huh...start schooling today! ow..ya. today was sunday,6th sept..right? so....start my schooling today with pai subject! ustad came in to our class and we rad the quran for this is a fasting month. so...kita digaalakkan untuk membacanya. ow..yeah! finish this subject at 8.20.ow..ya. sebelum masuk sekolah..kitaorg kena beratur kat luar kelas dulu for the asma al-husna. negaraku and etc songs and the morning prayer.
then continued by ert subject, we just continue doing our pola inthe bilik jahit. best la jugak. me, aida, faten and alya did our works while talking to our ert subject teacher.huh....group kmt, dok kat dalam kelas mybe takut diorang letih nak turun gi bengkel. then, masa english! last week,teacher said she wants to do the ORAL. haha..me and faten memeng hapi gle coz tak yah wat oral ni! kitaorag da bagi speech kat perhimpunan ko..so,teacher kata tak yah wat oral da... :D GEMBIRA + HAPPY! but 2 orang jer gi present kat depan..yang lain sume tak nak wat lagi.mybe diaorag tak ready lagi la kot. teacher naik berang so scolded our class. but not that angry! hwa3. teacher ,gurau jer!
after english...subject sejarah. best! ckgu imn cerita pasal teenage sekarang! and i'm 100% support the facts of the teenage now!! i really admit it! mintak dijauhkan la benda gtu. subject sejarah da nak abis syllabus! hapi tak terkira! coz..that book memang dok ulang yang serupa je! boring la. wat per baca benda yang serupa!! what a FREAK KAN??tak per la. then masa kjy..kitaorang pergi bilik talkimat kat aspura! and tengok video2 JEJAK RASUL. huh...best la. em..then masa amlai solat!! ok...stop blogging! i wanna do my home works! i got mountain of hworks to do. em,esok cuti! yeay..i like it. yeah kinda at my tok's house now:>
k..la. see u again! TATA.
then continued by ert subject, we just continue doing our pola inthe bilik jahit. best la jugak. me, aida, faten and alya did our works while talking to our ert subject teacher.huh....group kmt, dok kat dalam kelas mybe takut diorang letih nak turun gi bengkel. then, masa english! last week,teacher said she wants to do the ORAL. haha..me and faten memeng hapi gle coz tak yah wat oral ni! kitaorag da bagi speech kat perhimpunan ko..so,teacher kata tak yah wat oral da... :D GEMBIRA + HAPPY! but 2 orang jer gi present kat depan..yang lain sume tak nak wat lagi.mybe diaorag tak ready lagi la kot. teacher naik berang so scolded our class. but not that angry! hwa3. teacher ,gurau jer!
after english...subject sejarah. best! ckgu imn cerita pasal teenage sekarang! and i'm 100% support the facts of the teenage now!! i really admit it! mintak dijauhkan la benda gtu. subject sejarah da nak abis syllabus! hapi tak terkira! coz..that book memang dok ulang yang serupa je! boring la. wat per baca benda yang serupa!! what a FREAK KAN??tak per la. then masa kjy..kitaorang pergi bilik talkimat kat aspura! and tengok video2 JEJAK RASUL. huh...best la. em..then masa amlai solat!! ok...stop blogging! i wanna do my home works! i got mountain of hworks to do. em,esok cuti! yeay..i like it. yeah kinda at my tok's house now:>
k..la. see u again! TATA.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
hello..guys!how's goin??my was good.ow,lupa. faten tak datang ari ni. so, dok ngan aida and alya!!best. erm, start sekolah ngan subject tazkirah. beratur kat luar sebelum masuk kelas. then just go to musalla for tadarus al-quran. at 9.00 balik kelas semula. haha.then masa seni. teacher pak came in to ur class but she teached english. ow..yeah. it is better then seni. i like englsh but not really like seni. sigh**
then continued by recess time. haha...this is fasting month so no rehat. masa rehat kitaorg just duduk dalam kelas. gossip and talking. the boys pun samer jer...then masa kh. budak ert pergi bilik jahit. we just do some pola. ow, nampaknya kena menjahit la tak lama lagi. ergh..dun care. budak2 kmt just duduk dalam kelas. erm, continued by science. we just do our quick test and teacher checked it.
absolutely i like masa sivik. teacher hasneeyah tell us many story. uh,kinda i like it. teacher has cite pasal malaysia. yuhuhu..then we sang 1 song. best..but our voice are not as good as SITI NURHALIZA. tapi, sumpah la. suara teacher has best gler. masuk AF pun boleh menang. haha..sori teacher. just nak gurau jer. hahaha.
tak ngumpat k...
p/s:budak2 asrama balik. penghuni asrama dibenarkan pulang seminggu sekali masa bulan puasa...huhu
k,la. i've nothing to say. just wanna say i mizz u all,guys.
then continued by recess time. haha...this is fasting month so no rehat. masa rehat kitaorg just duduk dalam kelas. gossip and talking. the boys pun samer jer...then masa kh. budak ert pergi bilik jahit. we just do some pola. ow, nampaknya kena menjahit la tak lama lagi. ergh..dun care. budak2 kmt just duduk dalam kelas. erm, continued by science. we just do our quick test and teacher checked it.
absolutely i like masa sivik. teacher hasneeyah tell us many story. uh,kinda i like it. teacher has cite pasal malaysia. yuhuhu..then we sang 1 song. best..but our voice are not as good as SITI NURHALIZA. tapi, sumpah la. suara teacher has best gler. masuk AF pun boleh menang. haha..sori teacher. just nak gurau jer. hahaha.
tak ngumpat k...
p/s:budak2 asrama balik. penghuni asrama dibenarkan pulang seminggu sekali masa bulan puasa...huhu
k,la. i've nothing to say. just wanna say i mizz u all,guys.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
dikarang oleh, faten
dieditkan oleh, mahirah.
it's just for fun...
dikarang oleh, faten
dieditkan oleh, mahirah.
it's just for fun...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
get a freak today..not only a freak...A CRAZY FREAK!!ergh...first of all..HAPPY MERDEKA DAY to you all.erm...i get boring now!!!
ergh...DA NAK BUKAK PUASA..erm,,from my toks house to my house just now!i've been slept there since last night.so,today balik semula.coz esok kan sekola.so,balik la ari ni..
and one more thing...I GET A HAIR CUT TODAY...kinda so...ugly la my hair..
i hate my hair!!!
ergh...DA NAK BUKAK PUASA..erm,,from my toks house to my house just now!i've been slept there since last night.so,today balik semula.coz esok kan sekola.so,balik la ari ni..
and one more thing...I GET A HAIR CUT TODAY...kinda so...ugly la my hair..
i hate my hair!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
huh.today is thursday.the end of this short holiday. not end yet..but almost to end..sigh**emm, homeworks all finished except ert and geo.geo peta border tak wat lagi. just a little bit.
uh...sadly to say. how can you imagine if someone that you like,go away or left you!!! seriously you will be sad!! can't say how i feel. yeah...BUT I.I GONNA BE STRONG,JUST KEEP PUSHING ON.
ergh...stop singing.
cuti ni mahira tak gi mana2..coz my sis hari2 ada kelas kat sekola.ala,kalau budak zainab 1 taw la what i mean..em,tiap hari bangun and tdo balik...hwa3.i dun mind if i do like that.
huh..kinda boring!!ok, la. nothing to say. i just wanna do my zohor prayer right now.
uh...sadly to say. how can you imagine if someone that you like,go away or left you!!! seriously you will be sad!! can't say how i feel. yeah...BUT I.I GONNA BE STRONG,JUST KEEP PUSHING ON.
ergh...stop singing.
cuti ni mahira tak gi mana2..coz my sis hari2 ada kelas kat sekola.ala,kalau budak zainab 1 taw la what i mean..em,tiap hari bangun and tdo balik...hwa3.i dun mind if i do like that.
huh..kinda boring!!ok, la. nothing to say. i just wanna do my zohor prayer right now.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
what's up??how's goin on??hahaha. today school is out. best nyer.but tak best coz tak leh jumpa my fwends.hehehe.emm,start my schooling today with pjk period. faten and alya tak datang.letih kot.we all tak main.juzz tengok set2 laki main bola.em,my class won the game after beating 1-SINA.congratz u all. ktaorg tumpang gembira. hahaha..then,masa seni.we just helped teacher doing her works. pastu,rehat. so kita gi rehat la kan??sigh**continue with khb.set2 ert and kmt join skali coz blaja topik sama. we just do ur works kat dalam kelas. then,sns.teacher sepatutnya tak datang.but,dia ada. so dia suruh kita turun gi makmal.do some works.i mean the quicktest.
then..last period is sivik.teacher has suruh masuk bilik sal. i just read a book with aida.pastu i just main scrabble ngan my friends.bukan main betul2 pun,just reka2 nama budak dalam kelas kitaorg.me,arisha and others(tak leh cakap,takut ada orang jeolous).huhu..best gler.terbaik la today. emm,start cuti,maksudnya set2 asrama balik la kan??yang saya taw nya..aqim terus balik kl.terdengar perbualan dia tadi,so taw la.org lain..balik hometown diorg..k,la.need to go.nak gi airport jap!!AND 1 MORE,CONGRATS TO SEK.KEB. ZAINAB 1,COZ DAPAT 96 ORANG 5A FOR TRIAL!KEEP IT UP
But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You Belong With Me
You belong with me
then..last period is sivik.teacher has suruh masuk bilik sal. i just read a book with aida.pastu i just main scrabble ngan my friends.bukan main betul2 pun,just reka2 nama budak dalam kelas kitaorg.me,arisha and others(tak leh cakap,takut ada orang jeolous).huhu..best gler.terbaik la today. emm,start cuti,maksudnya set2 asrama balik la kan??yang saya taw nya..aqim terus balik kl.terdengar perbualan dia tadi,so taw la.org lain..balik hometown diorg..k,la.need to go.nak gi airport jap!!AND 1 MORE,CONGRATS TO SEK.KEB. ZAINAB 1,COZ DAPAT 96 ORANG 5A FOR TRIAL!KEEP IT UP
But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You Belong With Me
You belong with me
Thursday, August 13, 2009
unfortunately today is a bad day!!u know why...sometimes i feel like to.......................ERGH!!i will not talk about this in the blog!damn,,,gler teruk! ergh..today no assembly coz ..n tah! i dunnow! then continued with pjk! i don't wear my track bottom,so,no pjk 4 me! well,kalau pakai pun tak main masa pjk!just tengok budak laki main bola! ergh...KINDA BORING!then..seni! blaja lukis2 pasal kemerdekaan...sigh**
then,ert! ckgu takder coz sakit! so sambung gossip ngan my fwends! best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaha..pasal??sumer orang la! eh,tak la!!hehehe.pastu sns..kitaorg tak g makmal..tak taw la..kenaper tak gi!!ask my assistant class...pastu sivik!!masuk bilik sal!just bca buku cerita kat situ!!pastu main scrabble!best!!
hahaha...nothing much!! i just hate today coz org yg diminati telah....tak taw la!! MALAS NAK CTER DALAM NI!
You're the one I love
to catch myself dreaming about,
the one I love to talk things over with,
the one I love to cuddle next to
until we are as close
as we can be
Inside Verse:
I hope you're as happy
as you make me feel,
because you're everything
I could ever hope for -
the one I love
with all my heart
and soul.
Love Always,
unfortunately today is a bad day!!u know why...sometimes i feel like to.......................ERGH!!i will not talk about this in the blog!damn,,,gler teruk! ergh..today no assembly coz ..n tah! i dunnow! then continued with pjk! i don't wear my track bottom,so,no pjk 4 me! well,kalau pakai pun tak main masa pjk!just tengok budak laki main bola! ergh...KINDA BORING!then..seni! blaja lukis2 pasal kemerdekaan...sigh**
then,ert! ckgu takder coz sakit! so sambung gossip ngan my fwends! best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaha..pasal??sumer orang la! eh,tak la!!hehehe.pastu sns..kitaorg tak g makmal..tak taw la..kenaper tak gi!!ask my assistant class...pastu sivik!!masuk bilik sal!just bca buku cerita kat situ!!pastu main scrabble!best!!
hahaha...nothing much!! i just hate today coz org yg diminati telah....tak taw la!! MALAS NAK CTER DALAM NI!
You're the one I love
to catch myself dreaming about,
the one I love to talk things over with,
the one I love to cuddle next to
until we are as close
as we can be
Inside Verse:
I hope you're as happy
as you make me feel,
because you're everything
I could ever hope for -
the one I love
with all my heart
and soul.
Love Always,
Thursday, August 6, 2009
what's up?
ow...damn!lama gler tak update.bkn tak nak update but there's prob with my internet line!!
huh..that's y tak update!hahaha..yeah today is thursday,6.august.2009!what a great day..today ada PELANCARAN BULAN KEMERDEKAAN at my school..well,cerita pasal merdeka la kan??then kene present choral!damn..gle2 malu!sigh**
ok...stop about that!then masa seni,teacher bagi kitaorg decorate our class...so kitaorg decorate la.i'm as the ketua keceriaan kena la arah2 rang wat kerja!damnly...aku tak leh pegang jawatan ni.hax...whatever!yeah the boyz;aqim,mukhre,pok jak,duwe,syed,ikram.and shazril...cooperate with the gurlzz! that is what we one..our assistant monitor tak datang ari ni...so i need to handle all!huh......
yeah..than masa science!!as ussual...we need to do ur quicktest!hahahah.........
then masa sivik....ckgu masuk and kitaorg just bercerita!!hehe!that's all la..malas i!!
one more :today budak asrama balik...hehehe...orang yang tahu pasal ni...faham maksud gua!
huh..that's y tak update!hahaha..yeah today is thursday,6.august.2009!what a great day..today ada PELANCARAN BULAN KEMERDEKAAN at my school..well,cerita pasal merdeka la kan??then kene present choral!damn..gle2 malu!sigh**
ok...stop about that!then masa seni,teacher bagi kitaorg decorate our class...so kitaorg decorate la.i'm as the ketua keceriaan kena la arah2 rang wat kerja!damnly...aku tak leh pegang jawatan ni.hax...whatever!yeah the boyz;aqim,mukhre,pok jak,duwe,syed,ikram.and shazril...cooperate with the gurlzz! that is what we one..our assistant monitor tak datang ari ni...so i need to handle all!huh......
yeah..than masa science!!as ussual...we need to do ur quicktest!hahahah.........
then masa sivik....ckgu masuk and kitaorg just bercerita!!hehe!that's all la..malas i!!
one more :today budak asrama balik...hehehe...orang yang tahu pasal ni...faham maksud gua!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
huh...lama gler tak update blog....
yuhuhuhu..guys.i'm so happy..choral speaking national level had finished on the 21 st July..yeah! kita orang wakil from kelantan to go to the choral speaking competition national level.huh...bangga nye! WELL,after beating semenza and faris petra and etc at the ppd level and beating agama tok bachok and etc at the state level, we are selected to go for the national level...after many years the choral speaking national level(secondary) are stopped,this year it started again...unfortunately,we get number 8 out of 16 schools.it was good...congratulations to the choral speakers!
we started our journey at 8.45am on the 19th July...we went to melaka by bus! in the bus we talked and shared our stories with the seniors. kak farah..was our story teller that time. she told us many2 stories..about her life and ghost stories...DAMN...best gler!stopped for lunch at 11.30 am at RNR gua musang...then continued our journey...until we reach kuala lumpur at 6.15 pm..........and reach melaka at 7.45 pm. we are the last team i think to reach melaka! we stayed at AYER KEROH D' VILLAGE RESORT,MELAKA for two nights and three days!huh....DAMN..masa tu letih yg teramat sangat...GOD only knows how tired are we.then...eat our dinner at the restaurant provided! after that we need to attend for a briefing at the hall for 1 hour i think!after that we checked in to our rooms and had the last practised before the competition for tomorrow!
next day,woke up at 5.00am..took our bath and get ready with our school uniforms!at 7.00 am,we go for breakfast and gathered in the hall at 8.00a.m! we are the ninth team to perform! after finished performing we just seat and watched other countries to perform. at 12.30pm the competition finished..we all are allowed to go back to our rooms for a short relax..hehehehe.at 3.00pm we again gathered at the hall for the prize ceremony...there's go the 1st,2nd,3rd and the 8th....place
2nd=negeri sembilan
we started our journey at 8.45am on the 19th July...we went to melaka by bus! in the bus we talked and shared our stories with the seniors. kak farah..was our story teller that time. she told us many2 stories..about her life and ghost stories...DAMN...best gler!stopped for lunch at 11.30 am at RNR gua musang...then continued our journey...until we reach kuala lumpur at 6.15 pm..........and reach melaka at 7.45 pm. we are the last team i think to reach melaka! we stayed at AYER KEROH D' VILLAGE RESORT,MELAKA for two nights and three days!huh....DAMN..masa tu letih yg teramat sangat...GOD only knows how tired are we.then...eat our dinner at the restaurant provided! after that we need to attend for a briefing at the hall for 1 hour i think!after that we checked in to our rooms and had the last practised before the competition for tomorrow!
next day,woke up at 5.00am..took our bath and get ready with our school uniforms!at 7.00 am,we go for breakfast and gathered in the hall at 8.00a.m! we are the ninth team to perform! after finished performing we just seat and watched other countries to perform. at 12.30pm the competition finished..we all are allowed to go back to our rooms for a short relax..hehehehe.at 3.00pm we again gathered at the hall for the prize ceremony...there's go the 1st,2nd,3rd and the 8th....place
2nd=negeri sembilan
that night we went for a walk at melaka town..i buy some things for my family. at 10pm,we went back to our rooms..huh.LETIH2.that night we slept like logs...hahahaha
next morning,we packed our things and ready to left melaka....we started our journey at 8.30am....i feel like not to go back..i want to live in melaka..:D and arrived kelantan at 7.30 pm.......
that's all for now......i want to do my work.....see you ain guys...DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
yeah..hye guys!emm,just come back from choral practised!yeah....DAMN SO TIRED!but..it is ok.we wanna win tomorrow.insyaalah,we do the best.
emm,today tak masuk kelas..it means tak belajar.hehehehe.lol!justmasuk kelas in the morning..4 d bacaan yasin!and then..gossip and talking with my friends for a while...talking about...ader la!heheh.then,get to teh TAN SRI MOHD. ZAHID hall....4 d practised..started at 8.45 to 2.40pm.then we had a break and continue untill 6.00.that;s why baru balik.wahahaha
k la,daaaaa
i need to shower now and do my prayer.byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
love u!!!
emm,today tak masuk kelas..it means tak belajar.hehehehe.lol!justmasuk kelas in the morning..4 d bacaan yasin!and then..gossip and talking with my friends for a while...talking about...ader la!heheh.then,get to teh TAN SRI MOHD. ZAHID hall....4 d practised..started at 8.45 to 2.40pm.then we had a break and continue untill 6.00.that;s why baru balik.wahahaha
k la,daaaaa
i need to shower now and do my prayer.byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
love u!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
good morning to you guys!!
nothing much to say..just get boring and i started to blogging.wekk!i get mountains of homework to do.Damn..but still can go through the internet..hehehehe..emm,cerita pasal incident berlaku kat sekolah masa hari khamis,mmg menyedihkan!ergh...feel like to scream loudly!emm,wtf kenaper g jawab gtu kat dia.ergh....FREAKIN MISTAKE!nak cter semua benda kat sini tak leh,tooo public!ow...god full of mercy.tak per la,dugaan and cabaran..that i need to face when in the teenagers WORLD!ow...no.i feel very guilty...sian kat dia SiAN GLER2.da dapat peluang g lepas.what a...ergh(can't say,too geram)i'm sorry my dear! know mesti dia terasa!!ergh...whatever it is...i can just go to school like usual..study like usual and do anything like usual..tak per la.ergh REDHA2.tomorrow try to speak ngan dia ......
k la.....nothing to say!!!TOOODLES..wanna finish all my homeworks and stuff that i need to do
nothing much to say..just get boring and i started to blogging.wekk!i get mountains of homework to do.Damn..but still can go through the internet..hehehehe..emm,cerita pasal incident berlaku kat sekolah masa hari khamis,mmg menyedihkan!ergh...feel like to scream loudly!emm,wtf kenaper g jawab gtu kat dia.ergh....FREAKIN MISTAKE!nak cter semua benda kat sini tak leh,tooo public!ow...god full of mercy.tak per la,dugaan and cabaran..that i need to face when in the teenagers WORLD!ow...no.i feel very guilty...sian kat dia SiAN GLER2.da dapat peluang g lepas.what a...ergh(can't say,too geram)i'm sorry my dear! know mesti dia terasa!!ergh...whatever it is...i can just go to school like usual..study like usual and do anything like usual..tak per la.ergh REDHA2.tomorrow try to speak ngan dia ......
k la.....nothing to say!!!TOOODLES..wanna finish all my homeworks and stuff that i need to do
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
gtreaty day.........
hey..hey,last night to tired to update blog!!well..after winning the choral speaking competition.!!!:D emm, so happy...we are the champion and we will go for state level!!huh.. unbelievable.!!u know y??we just started practising 2 weeks ago,that is unbelievable coz it a short time..and we can still be the winner...we beat semenza..(uh..can't say) and faris petra.emm,semenza got the 2nd runner up and faris petra got the 1st runner up and MAHER got the FIRST!!!well......that morning we don't get into class...best!!well..there's last practised before we go for the competition.huh...DAMN..so tired.then me,eya,alia,afzan and kak farah,kak ah,kak aimi go and took some pict at d bag of the hall!!
k la...i need to pray.............TOOODLES
k la...i need to pray.............TOOODLES
Friday, June 26, 2009
ergh,about a month da tak update blog,..hi guys!how are you know?nothing to write.just skrg ni bnyk keje la.today ada practise choral,huh...but nvm,tak kisah.hahaha.baru jew abis peksa.keputusanya??ok!wekk.
ok..nothing to write...:D
ok..nothing to write...:D
Friday, May 29, 2009
yeah...now in kl!
hey..hey..hey!kindly now in kuala lumpur.huhuhu.arrive at 7.00 pm just now.it suppost to reached kl at 6.00,but the flight is delayed.sigh*emm..i'm at my aunty's house now in shah alam!ergh..dunnow what to write ....
k lah....wanna watch tv.btw,my cousin wanna use it....DOOOOOOOOO!
k lah....wanna watch tv.btw,my cousin wanna use it....DOOOOOOOOO!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
great day!
yeah..school has just end!i mean for the second semester...hahaha.today was quite good.risha tak datang hari ini,pergi konvo kakak dia.emm..i've already get the marks for science and geo.huh....science was ok..but geo?damnly worst.huh..FRUST.emm,started with pjk..damn..me and aida just watched the real football game.hax! me and aida tak main pun..just talking and gossiping.try to remember the names(we just watched mukhre,pok jak,aqim,said,ikram,shazril..yeah that's all yg main bola...duwe?org basketball.so dia main basketball lah)then,seni.emm,just draw some flowers..hahaha.saya bukannya org seni!but boleh la buat..
and kh...uhh.budak2 kmt exactly sume dapat A..ert ari ni ckgu tak masuk so,no marks.sigh*crush!then,geo.bncg the exam paper.huh!guezz what i just get ..em,no need to say lah!the last lesson was science.pun bincang kertas periksa ugak.after finishing marking the papers..ckgu just give some nasihat.emm,aqim today balik awal! tak tahu kenaper.
k lah...i want to pack my clothes. i'll be going to kuala lumpur tommorow.my flight is at 5.oo pm.k ...daaaa.toodles.......
and kh...uhh.budak2 kmt exactly sume dapat A..ert ari ni ckgu tak masuk so,no marks.sigh*crush!then,geo.bncg the exam paper.huh!guezz what i just get ..em,no need to say lah!the last lesson was science.pun bincang kertas periksa ugak.after finishing marking the papers..ckgu just give some nasihat.emm,aqim today balik awal! tak tahu kenaper.
k lah...i want to pack my clothes. i'll be going to kuala lumpur tommorow.my flight is at 5.oo pm.k ...daaaa.toodles.......
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
hahahaha.yeah..just finished my second exam today.huh...bm subject today!bm kertas 1 boleh la..but bm 2.uh,a little bit difficult.whatever it is,i've complete my exam and i also get some results.yeah!hahaha.emm,we start at 8.00-9.00 for bm1 and 12.30-2.30 for bm2.habis peksa bm1,i just go out 4 recess with my friends.
then,do some revision for bm2.huh...CRUSH!(P and H this is 4 u two)sigh*guys..just kidding.me??no..no CRUSHING!wahahaha.friends only..not more than that!then,while studying pok jak ask something.this is d conversation:
pok jak:mahirah,mung dapat brapo bm1?
me: emm..34
pok jak:owh
pok jak:......
then dia ckp something to aqim...owh..br tahu,aqim and dia tanya but aqim suruh pok jak.uhh.malu kot!k lah...nothing to say anymore.tooldes!
then,do some revision for bm2.huh...CRUSH!(P and H this is 4 u two)sigh*guys..just kidding.me??no..no CRUSHING!wahahaha.friends only..not more than that!then,while studying pok jak ask something.this is d conversation:
pok jak:mahirah,mung dapat brapo bm1?
me: emm..34
pok jak:owh
pok jak:......
then dia ckp something to aqim...owh..br tahu,aqim and dia tanya but aqim suruh pok jak.uhh.malu kot!k lah...nothing to say anymore.tooldes!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
great day....
emm,yeah.what's up.emm.today exam subject pai.huh,bley la buat.not that tough..emm,yesterday subject kh,geo and sej.DAMN...sej and geo payah gler like what...kh...senang jer.CEH....well,saya ambil aliran ERT.so...senang ler.
nothing much happened today..after peksa pai...i just do some revisison about maths.huh...while gossiping with alya,risha and aida.yeah...buat dosa jew..
recess tadi kitaorg pergi canteen.buying some 'keropoks'.hahaha.crush!then just makan dalam kelas..=D and bla..bla..bla.k la...nothing to tell...daaa
nothing much happened today..after peksa pai...i just do some revisison about maths.huh...while gossiping with alya,risha and aida.yeah...buat dosa jew..
recess tadi kitaorg pergi canteen.buying some 'keropoks'.hahaha.crush!then just makan dalam kelas..=D and bla..bla..bla.k la...nothing to tell...daaa
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
hey..hey.what's up??i'm well.just a little bit busy now.well,exam is around the corner.sigh**need to do more hw,study and etc!!yeah..school today was okay..not much incident appear today not like yesterday.YESTERDAY...much2 gler incidents happen at school. instead of yesterday,thursday pun da appear incidents ni.i'm scared..huh!!P,H and ME know it.well,it is all about this person called.....!yeah,not really like it.=D.uh whateverlah..
today??emm,biasa jew.started with assembly ko.sigh,so boared!then,ICT.coool but ergh...1 'pergaduhan' with my friend. dunnow y..just bcoz saya tinngikan suara,it started to fight!it is not my fault ok.she just tunjuk page this person(the.... up there) to me,and page tu takder kena mengena pun ngan saya.gler like what nak marah.!!huh,biar lah.then ustaz came in today,teaching us jawi.hax,looks like we are in the standard 1 class. hahaha.but,whatever it is,we need to study 4 ur future too.
seterusnya,masa maths.teacher tak datang today, so we just do our works. i just do some bm works.i didn't finish it yet,so neeed to rush tkt kena marah. k,then sejarah.huh,i like sejarah very much...very..very!!yeah,not bored at all.listen and catat and catat and listen.that's all!continued by bm period,cikgu tak datang jgk,so i just continued doing my work...while gossiping and talking with risha,aida and alya.yeah....d boyz pun sama.2 kali 5 and 5 kali 2!wahaha
suddenly,ader lah incident where 2 boyz terlibat...gler tkt.they we're like fighting and slapping.OMG!!!emm,biarlah.mybe da menjadi lumrah lelaki kot!!and that's it...habislah 1 whole day at skul...
emm,now i wanna study.hax, see u again tommorow or other days.DAAA....
love u all...
today??emm,biasa jew.started with assembly ko.sigh,so boared!then,ICT.coool but ergh...1 'pergaduhan' with my friend. dunnow y..just bcoz saya tinngikan suara,it started to fight!it is not my fault ok.she just tunjuk page this person(the.... up there) to me,and page tu takder kena mengena pun ngan saya.gler like what nak marah.!!huh,biar lah.then ustaz came in today,teaching us jawi.hax,looks like we are in the standard 1 class. hahaha.but,whatever it is,we need to study 4 ur future too.
seterusnya,masa maths.teacher tak datang today, so we just do our works. i just do some bm works.i didn't finish it yet,so neeed to rush tkt kena marah. k,then sejarah.huh,i like sejarah very much...very..very!!yeah,not bored at all.listen and catat and catat and listen.that's all!continued by bm period,cikgu tak datang jgk,so i just continued doing my work...while gossiping and talking with risha,aida and alya.yeah....d boyz pun sama.2 kali 5 and 5 kali 2!wahaha
suddenly,ader lah incident where 2 boyz terlibat...gler tkt.they we're like fighting and slapping.OMG!!!emm,biarlah.mybe da menjadi lumrah lelaki kot!!and that's it...habislah 1 whole day at skul...
emm,now i wanna study.hax, see u again tommorow or other days.DAAA....
love u all...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
wahahaha.yeah...baru bley update blog.well,i'm so busy lar with hw and etc.emm,just wanna say what happen at school...
come early at school today coz my papa outstation!arrive at school and straight to the class.seeing alya and elanie.then,wat keje sains coz tak siap lagi (sori teacher)wahaha.alya ajak borak2, so we're just talking and gossipping about the class(boyz ang gurlz)nak tersuka lar opposite block my class asrama lelaki.nmpk la beberapa kerat boyz yg dok asrama dengan banyak ragam nya(ceh..ayat). ada yg tengah dok atas katil la ,sikat rambut la and etc(sori lar kalau ada yg terasa)!!
continued by wktu tazkirah.emm,this week tak der tazkirah tkr ngan solat hajat perdana.yeah,we all need to go to the musalla then continued by PJK lesson.sigh*boared gler.teruk and boaring.the gurlz tak der wat per,only lepak2.boyz tak per la,set2 dia sehati sejiwa.all of them play football except some yang play basketball.uh..tak kisah pun...but kindly sooooooo boaring!
emm,then seni visual.tak blaja pun. tp ader la kertas kerja ps yg kitaorg kena buat.uh,we need to draw something.uh,gue tak lukis pun coz tak reti>>wahahaha.sori ckgu.then kh. yeah..so nothing to say.just masuk bilik mnjahit.huh..jawab soaln tu,soalan ni.emmm....and sambung ngan geo.uhh,ergh!!blaja jew la.meskipun ramai da yg tutup mata.bla..bla.
and yet balik kol 5.30 ptg coz ada ko-kurikulum.errrrgh,geram gler.tak der lngsg akyiviti ko.uhh,well,set2 asrama balik minggu ni.so,ramai lar yg takdew.tunggu punya tunngu,at last take decision balik awal.ingat kew set2 asrama semua da balik,rupa nya ader lagi yg tak balik.coz tadi masa tengah telepon my mum,ternmpak mukhre and his friend zaim.wahahaha.ada la tu yg terasa!!
and now kat umah.relaxing..and nk realese tension kat skul!!yeah....k la.letih da blogging.TOODLES...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
hey..hey there.how's goin baby?emm,school today was happy but quite upset.yuhuhuhu.i started school today with the KO ASSEMBLY.huh...we finished at 8.10 a.m...then continued by ICT.huh,we need to go to the computer lab.at this lab terciptanya beberapa incident yg tdk diingini.OMG.huhu..sabar2.ok whatever.i'm sitting with risha.doing our thinkquest.it roxx...yeah:D
Thursday, April 23, 2009
hey dude..what's up.i'm bored.owh...yeah after having my dinner outside and i's soooooooo full. just take a walk at kota bharu..well,my papa is trying his new car. =D emm,whatever.we just ate some yummy food at pizza hut..then came back home.wahahaha.ok.ay...school today was quite happy..pfft.
start my schooling day with some tazkirah at dataran-Q.huhu..sigh..quite hot that morning.boyz were such malas nak dengar tazkirah pagi tu..mybe bcoz of d weather(i think it is not that hot)LOL.when pp last nak bagi tazkirah,boys like..u know they with their gang(not all)clapped their hands so that pp tak yah bagi tazkirah dah....wakaka..tp tak dilayan.
ok then,continued with 2nd lesson.that is PJK.huh...we just talk,gossip and etc. huuhu..mula2 jalan2 kat tepi pdg while tngk.....,.....,......(boyz) main bola.yuhuhuhu.then me,P,H and alya main basketball jap.panas gler.....then, da puas main basketball,kitaorg just pergi kat tangga tepi padang where eya,alia,fila,fatin and etc dok ckp2......uhh,whatever
then seni visual,tak der ckgu.so just cakap2 dalam kelas and continue ur sewing (cross stitch) i help risha with her sewing...yuhuhuhuhu.aqim still tak datang skola....dia demam plak. huh,sian awak.ada yg wat keje sekolah and other yg cakap2 and other yg dok jahit. boyz syok gler sewing.wahahaha.well, that is suppost to be gurlz work not boyz!!uhhh,so then masuk bilik jahit for ERT subject. still continue ur sewing...huhu. quite good la menjahit2 nih.yeah.
and d last subject is GEO. ckgu najib just stood up at d desk coz no suara to teach us!!wahahaha.so we just do ur work..well,today we came back early coz ada PIBG meeting!!
k la nothing to say anymore. ada lag sebenarnya.. but this blog kan public??so, tak leh citer yg pelik2.k, see u all next time. TAKE CARE...
start my schooling day with some tazkirah at dataran-Q.huhu..sigh..quite hot that morning.boyz were such malas nak dengar tazkirah pagi tu..mybe bcoz of d weather(i think it is not that hot)LOL.when pp last nak bagi tazkirah,boys like..u know they with their gang(not all)clapped their hands so that pp tak yah bagi tazkirah dah....wakaka..tp tak dilayan.
ok then,continued with 2nd lesson.that is PJK.huh...we just talk,gossip and etc. huuhu..mula2 jalan2 kat tepi pdg while tngk.....,.....,......(boyz) main bola.yuhuhuhu.then me,P,H and alya main basketball jap.panas gler.....then, da puas main basketball,kitaorg just pergi kat tangga tepi padang where eya,alia,fila,fatin and etc dok ckp2......uhh,whatever
then seni visual,tak der ckgu.so just cakap2 dalam kelas and continue ur sewing (cross stitch) i help risha with her sewing...yuhuhuhuhu.aqim still tak datang skola....dia demam plak. huh,sian awak.ada yg wat keje sekolah and other yg cakap2 and other yg dok jahit. boyz syok gler sewing.wahahaha.well, that is suppost to be gurlz work not boyz!!uhhh,so then masuk bilik jahit for ERT subject. still continue ur sewing...huhu. quite good la menjahit2 nih.yeah.
and d last subject is GEO. ckgu najib just stood up at d desk coz no suara to teach us!!wahahaha.so we just do ur work..well,today we came back early coz ada PIBG meeting!!
k la nothing to say anymore. ada lag sebenarnya.. but this blog kan public??so, tak leh citer yg pelik2.k, see u all next time. TAKE CARE...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
hey guys..lama dah saya tak update blog. well, i'm busy with homeworks and etc. huhuhu.today is wed...15/4/09.okkkkkk...dunnow y?? today is a bad day.many incidents today...happy,sad ,angry and ERGHHHH.........i don't know what to write. i can't write what's happening today...coz timbul isu itulah..inilah. argh. so ,tak leh ckp. pendam dlm hati jer ler.P,ME AND H know about it. guys kalau tak tahu,buat tak tahu jer ler.LOL.sian...aqim.kaki dia bengkak..emm.pity you,friend!
k lah.i dunnow what to say.TOOODLES..
k lah.i dunnow what to say.TOOODLES..
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
hey guys?? what's up!!huhu....kita cuti for 2 days. so bored today. just nk siapkan homework and nak buat yg kelas. and now i'm at home lar. my dad tak der. gi kl. i wanna follow!!hahaha. emmm,ok flashback ari ahad!!tak ramai yg dtg sekolah ari tu. budak2 asrama ambk kesempatan dalam kesempitan..hahaha!!!WHATERVER.tak kisah pun. best day lar hari tu. OMG!! can't say what happen.wakakaka.takder lah..tipu jew!!emmmmm
ok lah,i wanna do my work now!!!goodbye
love you;
ok lah,i wanna do my work now!!!goodbye
love you;
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hey guys!! we had start our school..uh. emmm..don't know what to write.ok just wanna tell about my class. emm...i've get 2 new frenz named ALISA..known as LISA and FIONA!!ermm....they were ok..hahahaha.hehehehe. anyway just wanna say "WELCOME TO 1 KHAZIN".OKK...to fiona and ...... i want to say 'happy birthday' to you two. may god always bless you two!!! sorry P i know that you're in not good condition bcoz of......ya well i'm also like that,kak. BUT NOT REALY!huh. i understand.emm many incidents appear today.argh.in my class..........i feel like to scream loudly. but i dont wanna write in this page. well people like P,H and ME only know it. guys ...you have know it..right?? wakakka.
i'm now at home,i supposed to have my basketball practise but..ergh. ponteng jer ler =Dmalas r.....ok larh
SEE U ALL NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm now at home,i supposed to have my basketball practise but..ergh. ponteng jer ler =Dmalas r.....ok larh
SEE U ALL NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
hey guys..sori r lama tak update blog. i just come back fr terengganu. huhuhu...best r jgk. tak der wat per kat sana..just swimming,shopping and eating here and there..huh da satu minggu cuti skola and now da nak bukak semula. sekejap jew rasa. lama tak jumpa kawan2. agaknya semua tengah bercuti kot..and now i'm alone. my family semua g jalan2. mama da ajak ..tp malas la coz nakk cover study. smlam tak study langsung..OMG.sibuk smlam ngan kenduri tu,kenduri ni...huh letih giler!!
ok lar malas naak tulis pnjg...see you next time
ok lar malas naak tulis pnjg...see you next time
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
hey guys.............what r u doing???uh.now let me tell you about today at school....today balik awal coz ada jamuan at my primary school..huh best giler coz bley jumpe ngan fwends lama..we hug,gossip and tell about ur secondry school..uh everyone had their own story..WELL like we say when we r in secondary school..nothing other story. it's all about boyz.........boyz. uh. how bored is live???WHATEVER. risha tak datang sekolah coz pergi johor.so i just sit with aida. gossip here and there...well,pj?? only do some stretching and walked around the field looking at d boyzz playing football. bestnyer...nak join tak leh.sian risha,tak leh jupe M. but anyway jgn jeolous coz td...........[uh aderlah] cant say..personal secret but i think risha and aida da tahu ler.jgm marah ea,guys...masa ps=D.we went to d student centre..but tak der cikgu. so just keep quiet [ i think not that quiet rrr] masa kh,msk blik kh...do some works..and at 12.00 noon,i go back..went straight to zainab.ooops....but no i go back first bcoz...something is wrong..
met sofea and aiesya. huh. they we're my bestfwenz last year=D. taking some pict..here and there. some of them we're fromm MAHER,semenza,mara.naim lilbanat,maahad and also sek sains...uh =that's the way ha..a..ha..a,i like it ha..a..ha..a. hahaha.chill ok...damn..hw banyak....uh
ok lah................i wanna go...see you next time k.....
met sofea and aiesya. huh. they we're my bestfwenz last year=D. taking some pict..here and there. some of them we're fromm MAHER,semenza,mara.naim lilbanat,maahad and also sek sains...uh =that's the way ha..a..ha..a,i like it ha..a..ha..a. hahaha.chill ok...damn..hw banyak....uh
ok lah................i wanna go...see you next time k.....
Friday, March 6, 2009
hai there friends.how's school??well i'm ok. just had finish d exam.. D.huhuhu a little bit crush..the easiest paper is ........geo and sej la i think. huh.. heeep.....heeep hooray. risha now had take M. da smakin rapat. hai kak, STUDY FIRST la. nak jd sgf and sbf da ker?????fewh...sabar2 la dulu. nanti form 5,ehem-ehem lah. and aida now,da semakin happy coz F dah kenal dier. ni semua M punyer pasal lah......kalau org tunjuk kat dia yg dia.................br tahu.hahaha,hey guys aku just gurau jer yer......nasib baik la aku ni tak der saper2.huhu mmg tak nak lg pun. STUDY..STUDY FIRST right?? i'm just now need to concentrate on my study,coz td br jumper dgn DR. FAIZ KHALEED.huh his so smart. i like it........WHATEVER.dia ckp brjya dtg dr sikap kiter sndiri and i just angguk and angguk.
ok that's it.malas r nak tulis panjang! coz tngh sakit hati ni.......huh........DAAA see you again next time k.......
ok that's it.malas r nak tulis panjang! coz tngh sakit hati ni.......huh........DAAA see you again next time k.......
Friday, February 20, 2009
damn.......very tired yesterday..........=D
hey. what's up guys? huhu.....MAHER just have d merentas desa. huhu. that day i woke up early took my bath and go to school. wearing d MAHER shirt and my cheetah trousers. hahaha. arrive at school at 7.10 [i think]. went to the my class block..but damn just wasting my energy.the guard lock d stairs. fewh........ masa tu risha g mane pon tak tahu! risha.....risha...g date ker? haha.WHATEVER. AT 7.30 am.. we went to the dataran q.for some taklimat. go to the jupiter's coupon place......but hell. i don't pay coz yesterday i go to d toilet with my friend, so can't get d coupon. but it's ok. then do some stretching before the merentas desa. WELL it is not cross country it is cross city...coz we need to walk along d main road. hahaha. it started at 8.30 i think. for boys it =7 km but girls it is only =5km. damnly far........erghh. i hope to get number 20-4. but tak dapat pon. erghh damnly sad.just started with my 2 friend RISHA & AIDA. run slowly..... and slowly. and that's it. we keep speedy..then i just left my 2 friend at d back. hahaha ........sori.after running i'm so tired then just stop slowly.......at last saw RISHA but AIDA?? dunnow..where she is?? whatever! then walk slowly with her....untill we meet SYARAFANA.......walked with her.......after that we saw danial[ur classmate] only he we saw. so he keep speedy.....until DIA LENYAP =D. then finally we reach d school........huh lega rasanya..... take a bottle of mineral water[500ml] wat habis and lepak with my fwenz....
damnly so COOL lah MAHER. some of d kakak and abg2 pasang lagu..........BEST. situasi, just dance & etc. i like it. then we saw mukhre[ hepi la tu risha] hahaha. mukhre we're damnly dgn ego dier tu.....menyampah btl.huhu after that the students went to d DEWAN TAN SRI MOHD. ZAHID for the penyampaian hadiah. well i just hear and look there. untill it finishes. coz i don't any number.wakakaka. i tought my house [JUPITER]will be the second runner up or the first runner up.....but not JUPITER get the last one..........MALU..MALU.
PLUTO=3RD and....................
JUPITER= 4TH...ergggh
at 12.00 pm. so all students can go back to their homes. huhuhu. i just called my father to pick me up at 12.45[muqri,my brother balik maser tu, so sng la papa nak ambik] but my papa came late[ 1.45 pm] huh......... me,risha,atiqah,syarafana and nadia we're there. so we talked, gosip and etc. risha came back first continued by syarafana,atiqah,nadia & ME!!!. AND that's all about d MERENTAS DESA DAY.............HAHAHA........a memoriable day for me[not that memoriable......lol].
ok lah ......i want to do my karangan with my papa...........so take care to you all
damnly so COOL lah MAHER. some of d kakak and abg2 pasang lagu..........BEST. situasi, just dance & etc. i like it. then we saw mukhre[ hepi la tu risha] hahaha. mukhre we're damnly dgn ego dier tu.....menyampah btl.huhu after that the students went to d DEWAN TAN SRI MOHD. ZAHID for the penyampaian hadiah. well i just hear and look there. untill it finishes. coz i don't any number.wakakaka. i tought my house [JUPITER]will be the second runner up or the first runner up.....but not JUPITER get the last one..........MALU..MALU.
PLUTO=3RD and....................
JUPITER= 4TH...ergggh
at 12.00 pm. so all students can go back to their homes. huhuhu. i just called my father to pick me up at 12.45[muqri,my brother balik maser tu, so sng la papa nak ambik] but my papa came late[ 1.45 pm] huh......... me,risha,atiqah,syarafana and nadia we're there. so we talked, gosip and etc. risha came back first continued by syarafana,atiqah,nadia & ME!!!. AND that's all about d MERENTAS DESA DAY.............HAHAHA........a memoriable day for me[not that memoriable......lol].
ok lah ......i want to do my karangan with my papa...........so take care to you all
Friday, January 30, 2009
what's 2 up...........
hey..............friends. what r u doing?? haha......... nothing to do now...........but i feel like to blogging. i'm now at my tok's house. now is d tennis game........ i want NADAL........ but actually i like d FEDERER....... well,TENNIS??suck.........what ever lah?? sorry ally. i have much 2 hw,but wht to do >D. best nyer ally..dapat mrsm,faris??? mesti dapat lah dia. now,i'm so bored.......BORED AND BORED.
ok lah nak stop ah...............byeee
ok lah nak stop ah...............byeee
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
haha.......sowi smlm tak online.......coz banyak kerja sekolah.hari ni pon ada latihan bola jrg........... damn letih. masa nak balik nampak lah beberapa kerat yg tinggal d asrama........including syahirah,nadia,alisya AND continued by the boys.they are danial,asyran,and syazril.untuk RISHA aku tak nampak lah mukhre.takut tengah shock main bola kot. and for AIDA aku tak nampak lah ezzeriq.......lol. weh guys aku gurau jer....... jangan terasa hati pulak.takut tengah .......hahaha. AND mierza i didn't see him just now..... ok back to the story ........at first there are 16 and now become 30 ithink.........damn kali 2 ....tp takperlah ...... the girls that sit to me is a helpful girl....she always help pupil especially girls than continued by boys....hahaha.......lol. mula2 tu suka kat .......... pastu kata suka kat ........... eech aperlah.wellllll me ,??? i'm not READY YET. hahaha......maybe when i am at d university......insyaallah.nak blaja dulu org kata.......ok lah malas nak tulis pnjg2.......BYEE.
Monday, January 19, 2009
shit mann!!!!
hai friends........what were you doing ?? now im in a.maher..haha.......from zainabians became maherians..........like my name right......lol.well you all know kan?? today ada latihan bola jaring........DAMMN ..LETIH....but its ok .... boleh keluar banyak peluh..hahaha
well a.maher is as usual but at first i am not comfortable coz 2 sex in 1 school......lain lah ally ,eya,lin and etc....mereka dah eheemm....eheemm. well you guys will know it....
mula2 datang sekolah lambat lah sikit tp sekarang dah awal. damn my class at the form 2 level.....shit......everyday kalau datang lewat sikit2 the form 2 boys will say to their other friends i think something like this'eh abang tepi lah sikit.adek kita ni nak lalu...'.....something like that........DAMN SHITTT....omg...omg......and dalam kelas org yg dok tepi aku tu gelenya sikit..hahaha sorry dude.ok lah i want to shower.........esok or what eva datang sambung semula.......DAAA
well a.maher is as usual but at first i am not comfortable coz 2 sex in 1 school......lain lah ally ,eya,lin and etc....mereka dah eheemm....eheemm. well you guys will know it....
mula2 datang sekolah lambat lah sikit tp sekarang dah awal. damn my class at the form 2 level.....shit......everyday kalau datang lewat sikit2 the form 2 boys will say to their other friends i think something like this'eh abang tepi lah sikit.adek kita ni nak lalu...'.....something like that........DAMN SHITTT....omg...omg......and dalam kelas org yg dok tepi aku tu gelenya sikit..hahaha sorry dude.ok lah i want to shower.........esok or what eva datang sambung semula.......DAAA
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