
snow 2

Thursday, October 13, 2011

actually post ni on 11/10/11~

ASSAlamualaikum blog readers. owh ya, this is my first post after the pmr examination.everything was alright.well yeah the papers were not that hard,it is just more to tricky-type papers. pai,english and bm papers was aaaaaaaaaa PAYAH.and mesti la dup dap dup dap jantung takut nanti keluar result. i'm just hopin for d best for d result. doakan saya weee :)

well,date ni cantik kan? it had be the happiest day ever in my life. i'm hopin the best from u.nothing yang i nak mintak,,just a true heart to be with selagi boleh bertahan amin insyallah.tak payah la cerita panjang lebar,yang ni hati kita yang rasa. kan :) hahaha. remind me about this date next year,takut lupa muahaha.

tapi kenape ni,kenape rasa tak sedap hati.oowh god something happen tapi tak boleh tengok dengan pancaindera yang diberi.may god protect us please. hanya perkataan takut menyelubungi diri. *ceyh ayat tak boleh nak bla.perghh

okay tak nak tulis dah.bye..

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